Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2476: Debunk your lies (3)

Feng Tianqi was also stronger.

"Is that sophomore? Go, here is the sophomore teaching building. Sophomore is not here at all, okay? Are you crazy?"

Ye Xinwei held back her anger and glanced at him.

"You have to bring me here, and I'm not from Suntech. How do I know where the first year is and the second year?"

It really makes no sense to him.

It really is a bear child.

Ye Xinwei comforted herself, this guy is a bear child, don't give him general knowledge.

Mu Xiaoxiao hid behind the pillars and waited for them to sneak up after they got out of the high school building.

This feeling of chasing dramas at close range is so fun!

Someone has forgotten the idea of ​​'going home before Yin Shaoyu goes home'.

Along the way, Feng Tianqi scoffed at the expression that the man was Class D.

"I thought you knew someone. As for class D, Suntech's best is class S, and then ABCD ranked like this ..."

Ye Xinwei interrupted him directly, "No one asks your opinion."

Feng Tian Qi hummed, "You should be fortunate that you met me in S class, and it will be more face-to-face to say it later."

"I don't think it's worth mentioning you."

She uttered little face.

Feng Tianqi was dissatisfied with this, "Tell me no face? I'm the young master of Feng's Group, and my brother is Feng Shengyang! I'll ask you, who knows my entire city A and China Is it? "

"Oh." Ye Xinwei answered indifferently, and then asked him, "Apart from these? Except for those other people's names, what belongs to you?"

In other words, aside from being the young master of Feng's Group and leaving him to be the younger brother of superstar Feng Shengyang, what else can he propose to be proud of?

Feng Tianqi was asked by her.

Ye Xinwei kindly did not press on.

"I, I have won the ranking of international racing! My Feng Tianqi's name is also very good!" Feng Tianqi worked very hard to find his own face.

Ye Xinwei nodded and said, "Well, it's fun."

Mu Xiaoxiao, who was following the "watching", almost smiled.

Seeing Feng Tianqi, who has always been full of energy, was eaten by this girl, this scene really made her unexpected.

It ’s unexpectedly cute to eat the windy Qi Qi!

Mu Xiaoxiao feels that this plot is even better than idol dramas.

And she looked forward faintly, if the person Ye Xinwei was looking for was a boy ... haha, what would Feng Tianqi look like?

Finally, I arrived at the second-year teaching building.

Before class, but Feng Tianqi swaggered Ye Xinwei up.

Seeing that he was approaching the door of Class D in the second year of high school, Ye Xinwei's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Feng Tianqi looked at her with the corner of her mouth, "Don't you dare to go in?"

Sure enough, he lied to him.

He knew that she was using a deferred strategy!

He was going to see how she would compile it next.

Ye Xinwei looked at him and said, "Did you see people still studying?"

Feng Tianqi cut out and said, "It's just for self-study, you listen to it, it's so noisy inside, who else is still studying hard late? They are just chatting, let's go, aren't you looking for someone? Take you in. "

"No need." Ye Xinwei struggled with his hands.

Feng Tianqi hooked her lips, proudly, "Why not? I have taken you to the doorway, of course, I have to send the Buddha to the west."

Hehe, your lies will be revealed soon!

Nerd, make you dare to lie to me!

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