Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2477: Debunking Your Lies (4)

Ye Xinwei said suddenly, "I'll call him and just let him out."

Call him to come out?

Feng Tianqi's brow moved, hum, the more she said the more she looked, the more he watched how she performed.

Mu Xiaoxiao hid in the corner and was very nervous about the plot.

So, did Ye Xinwei lie?

Did she actually come to find someone when she came to Suntech?

it is good!

Great story, see you next time ...

Haha, just kidding, keep going to the theater.

Ye Xinwei took her cell phone out of her small bag and made a call.

Feng Tianqi wrapped her arms around her chest and held her.

Calling is kind of like ...

Hum, when you wait, you'll say that you can't get through to the phone, or that the other party is not in the classroom?

He is arrogant like ‘I guessed everything’.

"Hey, um, I'm at the door of your classroom, can you come out? Okay."

Ye Xinwei finished the call in less than ten seconds.

The wind is qiy.

How did the plot go differently than he envisioned?

He looked at the door of the classroom, as if someone was really coming out.

Sure enough, a tall figure appeared next to the classroom door in the next second.

"Vivi!" A hearty male voice called.

A boy came out with a handsome and sunny appearance. When he saw Ye Xinwei's figure, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Ye Xinwei waved in response to each other.

Feng Tianqi's face turned black.

He seemed unable to accept the plot, but it was completely different from what he had imagined!

The nerd really didn't come to him!

how is this possible!

"Who is he?" Someone didn't realize the tone of his question.

The boy also noticed that he was there, surprised, "Well, Feng Tianqi?"

After the previous basketball game, coupled with Feng Tianqi being Feng Shengyang's younger brother, Feng Tianqi was well-known in Shangde.

Feng Tianqi stepped forward and looked at the boy. "Yes, I'm Feng Tianqi, what about you? Who are you? What does it matter if you are a nerd?"

"Nerd?" The boy obviously didn't know who he was talking about.

Feng Tianqi pointed to Ye Xinwei, "I mean her, what is your relationship with her?"

"Wei Wei?" The boy looked at Ye Xinwei in surprise, "Wei Wei, do you know Feng Tianqi?"

Feng Tianqi listened to him shouting Wei Wei so intimately, I don't know why, it just feels unhappy, very unhappy!

"What is Wei Wei! Hello, nerd! I'm asking you, who is he?"

Fuck, he's got a fire now.

Ye Xinwei frowned at his excessive volume, and said in a low voice, "Can you whisper a little? Others are still learning by themselves."

The boy glanced back at the classroom and reached out to pull her.

"Let's talk over there."

Before his hand touched Ye Xinwei, Feng Tianqi patted him away.

The boy was stared at him inexplicably.

As a result, three people moved to the corner of the staircase, so as not to be noisy to the people in the classroom.

Feng Tian Qi froze and continued to ask, "Nerd, you say, who is he?"

Mu Xiaoxiao hiding under the stairs also raised her ears.

This situation is so interesting!

It's almost like a love triangle.

Ye Xinwei knew that he would not give up if he didn't get the answer, so he had to explain, "He's my childhood friend, okay, thank you for helping me find someone, I won't bother you, you can go and do your own Just do it. "

Is this driving him?

Feng Tianqi's face became colder.


On a dark Monday, everyone remembers to vote for the water.

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