Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2480: One hundred times better than Mu Xiaoxiao (3)

She lost her stuff!

Mu Xiaoxiao's expression was ashamed, as if losing something important.

Feng Tianqi was in a bad mood and didn't notice too much. It didn't matter to say, "If you lose it, lose it. I'll buy you a new one."

Mu Xiaoxiao sobbed and said, "Can't buy ..."

Feng Tianqi didn't believe, "Is it a limited edition? Even if it is a limited edition, I have a way to get it. You tell me what I lost and I buy it for you."

Mu Xiaoxiao's crying became even more obvious, "I can't buy it even with money ..."

Although she was very moved by him, she really couldn't buy her things.

Feng Tianqi wondered, "What the **** is it?"

"Just ... just a book ..." Mu Xiaoxiao sucked his nose.

Feng Tianqi thought what it was, and cut it out, "Isn't it the book? What kind of book I bought for you, even if it is out of print, I'll let the publishing house print it for you, is it OK?"

Hearing that Mu Xiao was moved carefully.

Although Feng Tianqi is a bear child and a little self-centered, he is very affectionate and is really good to friends.

Moved to move, but Mu Xiaoxiao is still very frustrated.

"It's not a question of the book ... the important thing is the contents!"

Feng Tianqi said, "Then there is no way. Then, let's find it with you. Maybe it's somewhere."

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded again and again, "Uh-huh, let's find it, maybe we can find it."

However, she was a little disturbed.

Sure enough, the two found this way along the road, and after two or three laps, they still couldn't find it.

Mu Xiaoxiao squatted on the ground, wanting to cry.

Feng Tianqi looked at her and sighed, "What now?"

Mu Xiaoxiao put his hands on his knees and shook his head.

She didn't know what to do ...

They have looked for it so carefully, but they still can't find it, it means they have been picked up by others.

Feng Tianqi patted her shoulder comfortably. "Otherwise, we will go to the broadcast room tomorrow and send a lost property notice to see if anyone has found it."

Mu Xiao nodded.

This is the only way.

At this time, her cell phone rang.

Mu Xiaoxiao was in a bad mood, and the walking dead took out his mobile phone.

Who knows that electricity is Yin Shaojiu.

She was shocked and hurried to answer.

Yin Shao's dissatisfied voice came from the mobile phone. "Why aren't you home? Where have you been?"

"I ... I ..." Mu Xiao novel said, thinking of what was lost, his voice choked.

Yin Shaoyi immediately heard and asked quickly, "What's wrong? Where are you now?"

"I'm at school ..." Her voice was aggrieved.

Yin Shaoji said, "How did you get to school? What happened? You don't have to go anywhere, just stay, I'll find you now."

"Um ..." she answered dumbly.

Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid that he would ask more and said that after he was okay, he hung up and waited for him to pick himself up.

Feng Tianqi on the side asked, "Who? Yin Shaoyan?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded slowly, "He will pick me up."

Feng Tianqi said, "Shangde is his place. Even if you drop a needle, he can find it for you, so don't worry."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him, "Thank you, Feng Tianqi, obviously you are not so happy, and in turn comfort me."

Feng Tianqi, this friend is really speechless.

"I'm not happy! I'm happy, it's best that the nerd don't bother me in the future, I don't like her, so I don't bother to care about her." Feng Tian Qi Aojiao said.

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