Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2481: A hundred times better than Mu Xiaoxiao (4)

Feng Tianqi accompanied her for a while, and left before Yin Shaojiu found her.

Mu Xiaoxiao was sitting on a bench beside the school road, waiting for Yin Shaoji.

Yin Shaojie ran over from a distance, "Little!"

When he came to her, she rushed over, hugged his waist, and smothered her small face on him.

"What's wrong? Who bullied you?" Yin Shaoxu rubbed her head.

Mu Xiao's novel, "God bullied me ..."

Yin Shaojie laughed, she was all right, he was relieved.

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, he patted her on the back and comforted, "I bought you a cake. Would you like to eat it?"

This girl is really right, she ran out without telling him.

Wait to see how he teaches her.

However, Mu Xiaoxiao was not in a bad mood, it was very bad. She lost her face all the way back. Yin Shaoji talked to her, and she didn't answer anything.

Although Yin Shaoyi was thinking of waiting to go back to teach her, but looking at her like this, she was distressed again.

"Baby, what's wrong with you?"

Back at the apartment, he pulled her to his side and asked, holding her face.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and was still wandering.

She was trying hard to think back, to see if she could remember, where she lost her book.

Yin Shaoji asked, "What happened to you suddenly running to school?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said dullly, "I'll get something ..."

"What about things?"


It turned out to be unhappy.

Yin Shaojie kissed her little face and kissed him, comforting, "It's okay, I'll help you find it tomorrow, I'll help you find it, okay?"

"Well, okay." Mu Xiao nodded and converted into his arms.

Sleeping at night, Mu Xiaoxiao also dreamed, dreaming that he had lost Yin Shaoyu, and then looked around the world, but he couldn't find it.

She cried anxiously, and was finally awoken.

She woke up with too much motion and was shocked by Yin Shaojie.

Yin Shaojie hugged her for a while, then she relaxed.

Arrived at school.

Mu Xiaoxiao was still wandering, thinking about it all night, never remembering where he lost his book.

"Little." Han Qiqing patted her.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at her without focus, "Hi."

Han Qiqing said, "Little, you look bad today."

Mu Xiaoxiao just nodded and didn't speak.

Han Qiqing was holding a mobile phone and was reading a post on the school forum. He wanted to see if there was any exaggerated painting, but he did not expect to see a very hot new post by accident.

The title of the post is: I think that my roommate draws better than Mu Xiaoxiao. Don't believe it!

The content is even more explosive. The landlord said that her roommate has been secretly in love with Yin Shaoyu. He painted a lot of portraits of Yin Shaoyu. The painting is very good. It makes people see at a glance how deeply the painter has affection for the people in the painting. A hundred times better than Mu Xiaoxiao!

Many pictures are posted on the back.

It can be seen that the person who drew the picture was Yin Shaoyan who painted on the book, with all looks.

But it did draw well, and the following responses are exaggerated.

Han Qiqing couldn't read it after reading a few pages.

"This person is from an art class. Is it normal to paint well? Little, I still think you paint better!"

She passed her cell phone and wanted to show it to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao wasn't in the mood to see it, but Yu Guang glanced at it.

Just like that, Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly grabbed Han Qiqing's mobile phone with great excitement.

"This picture ..."

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