Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2511: He wants to date you (2)

"You ... have you locked the door?"

He couldn't hold her back, she couldn't speak smoothly.

Yin Shaojiu let go of her earlobe, and her thin lips went under her ear and kissed her all the way.

"It seems to be locked."

He replied in a busy space.


This answer made her even more worried, always worried that someone would come in the next second.

Although everyone knows that they are a couple, it is not a big deal to be intimate.

It's just ... it would be awkward to be bumped into.

Because of worry, Mu Xiaoxiao had been tense.

Yin Shaojie could feel her tightness and find it very interesting. She became warm and rubbed her palm against her abdomen.

"Don't be so nervous, I've locked the door."

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced back at him, "Did you have premeditated?"

Yin Shaojie laughed so badly that he neither admitted nor denied.

That's the default!

He looked at her pursed little mouth, could not help lowering his head, and pecked her.

The sweet taste is mixed with the sweet fragrance of her girl.


How about just kissing?

He pressed against her lips, applied a little force, and pushed his tongue forward, trying to pry open her teeth.

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to resist, but finally surrendered.

His kiss slowly became strong.

She couldn't fight it.

Lips are invading and hands are restless.

When the atmosphere gradually became hot, Mu Xiaoxiao faintly heard the sound of knocking at the door.

She shoved him weakly.

"Yes, someone knocks on the door."

"Leave her alone."

Mu Xiaoxiao went back to God and listened intently, only to find Qiqing's voice.

"Little, little, are you inside?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was awake from the drunkenness, avoiding the kiss that Yin Shaoyu wanted to deepen, panting lightly and saying, "It's Qiqing."

Yin Shao hesitated, a little upset.

"Come here this time!"

He just fascinated her and wondered how to get out of his mouth.

Although, he did not really want to run her in the office.

But he was really hungry ...

Mu Xiaoxiao supported his chest with both hands and wanted to get up.

"Qi Qing is looking for me, maybe something happened."

Yin Shaojie saw it through at a glance. "What can she do? I guess I saw that the book was yours, so I came to see you."

Han Qiqing should have been to a small classroom and couldn't find her, so she called the Student Union.

Mu Xiao's novel, "She knows that the book is mine."

Hearing that, Yin Shaoyan narrowed his eyes.

"She knows? So, I don't know?"

Hum, he's not happy anymore.

He didn't tell him such an important thing first.

Mu Xiao's novel, "Just in the morning, I told her, I lost my book, and was picked up by that girl. Those paintings on the Internet belonged to me. Qi Qing originally wanted to go to that girl to settle accounts, and gave me some money , But I stopped her from letting her go. "

"Why don't you let her go? You should tell me earlier, I'll help you out." Yin Shaojie was furious when she thought she was wronged.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head, but she didn't feel wronged.

No one could pretend to be her thing.

Besides, she guessed right, that Zhao Xiaolu was a pretty girl.

So she was very fortunate that she did not use drastic measures at first.

Mu Xiaoxiao told him his consideration.

Yin Shaoji groaned, "Yeah ... I suddenly discovered that you are so smart."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and said proudly, "I was very smart! Did you know that now? Huh."

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