Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2512: He wants to date you (3)

Yin Shaoxuan looked at her with deep eyes and reached out and stroked her hair.

"In fact, your method is the smartest. Like you said, what if the other person's mind is very bad, in order to destroy the evidence and destroy your book?"

Indeed, the most important thing is to get the book back.

Mu Xiaoxiao hooked his neck, "Yeah, I was thinking at the time, no matter what happened, take it back and say."

Yin Shaoxi kissed her and praised her, "Your ability to focus is great."

"Of course, when I was in elementary school, my grades in Chinese were very good!" Mu Xiaoxiao was proud of it.

Yin Shaojie smiled, and lowered her nose against her nose.

"In elementary school? Don't you dare say now? You don't know if you can pass the current Chinese grade."

Mu Xiaoxiao was worried. "Is there any way? Since I started teaching classical Chinese in junior high school, I happened to be in the United States at that time. I did n’t learn classical Chinese at all. What should I do! Well done and scored high on the composition. "

However, classical Chinese and poetry accounted for a lot of points. Even if she was right in other questions, she could barely get a passing score.

Yin Shaoji said, "It's almost the end of the period, what do you do?"

Mu Xiaoxiaobian raised his mouth, "I don't want to listen to this, don't you remind me?"

"It's no use if you want to escape. At the end of the semester, you still have to take an exam. You have no problem with English, and the problem with mathematics is not very big. The biggest problem is language ..."

"I hate endorsements ..."

The two got caught up in the conversation and completely forgot Han Qiqing at the door.

Outside the door.

"Xiaoxiao, aren't you inside? Are you there?" Han Qiqing had decided that she was inside, knocked on the door for a while, and wanted to wait for her to open the door, but no one could wait.

She couldn't help wondering, wasn't Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojie in it?

However, a member of the Student Union told her clearly that Yin Shaojiao brought Xiaoxiao back to the office.

This Shao Yin, wouldn't you do something to Xiao Xiao in it?

Han Qiqing shook his head and gave up knocking.

So as not to be abused by the dog, let's go and stay away from the scene of dog abuse.

So she went downstairs and went to the sitting room.

Song Shijun saw her come down, as if she had guessed it.

"Did you open the door for you?"

Han Qiqing didn't look at him and walked to the sofa to sit down and dragged a pillow to hold him.

"Think about what to eat for lunch."

There is nothing more comfortable than taking a nap and letting it go.

Song Shijun laughed, "Aren't you going to class? Aren't you afraid the teacher will make a small report with your brother?"

Han Qiqing said proudly, "I have an excuse. I said that something happened to Xiaoxiao, and I was worried about her. Of course, I had to see how she was, but I couldn't find Xiaoyi. When Xiaoxiao got down, I would ask the situation again. . "

Recently, she has been reviewing very carefully and taking her lessons seriously, so she uses her brain a bit and needs a break.

Han Qiqing simply lay down.

Coincidentally, Song Shijun was sitting on the other side of the couch.

She froze him and rushed him, "You go away and sit over there."

Song Shijun was speechless and had to move to a single sofa.

"Guess, when are they coming down?"

Han Qiqing held the pillow and closed his eyes. "I don't know."

"I bet you, at least after school."


"It's a pity that we weren't here just now and didn't see how Xiao Xiao handled the girl."


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