Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2516: Invite her to his house (3)

After taking a nap, Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to be lazy, holding Yin Shao's hand, and his petite body leaned almost on him, dragged by him to walk.

"I want to sleep again ..."

Today the sun is nice, the temperature is good, and it is very suitable for sleeping.

Han Qiqing stretched out and said, "I have a physical education class in the afternoon. I don't plan to go to school anymore, so I will sleep in the classroom."

Mu Xiao's novel, "I also want physical education. Why is there only one physical education class a week?"

What she likes most is physical education.

Of course, except when physical education is about to run.

Han Qiqing asked her, "How many physical education lessons do you hope for a week?"

Isn't this easy?

Let Yin Shaojiu propose to the school, can it be changed?

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said, "It's better to have one day a day, no, two days a day, one morning and one afternoon, so that's perfect!"

Song Shijun smiled aside.

"Will you change all the lessons to physical education?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "This is also great!"

Han Qiqing laughed. "I want to do that too! Yin Shaoxing, otherwise, can you tell the principal?"

Yin Shaojie did not answer her words, and her deep eyes fell forward, looking at who she was.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought his eyes were a little strange, so he followed his gaze.

Han Qiqing and Song Shijun also looked in unison.

A long figure stood at a corner leading to the high school building.

Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen stood under a tree and was watching them.

Song Shijun slammed Yin Shaojie with his elbow, "Should he be waiting for Xiao?"

Han Qiqing heard it and nodded, "It seems."

Song Shijun glanced at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little hesitant, hesitant to look at Yin Shaoxu's vinegar tank.

Wouldn't it be nice if I took a detour?

At this time, Yin Shaojiu held her and walked over.

Standing in front of Lu Yichen, he asked directly, "Is there anything wrong?"

Lu Yichen met his sight and said generously, "I'm looking for something small, can I talk to her alone?"

Yin Shao lip smiled, "If I say, can't I?"

Both Song Shijun and Han Qiqing could smell strong gunpowder.

Lu Yichen explained without fear, "It's really important. I hope you can understand it."

Yin Shaojie smiled and did not speak this time, but Heimu turned to Mu Xiaoxiao.

He seemed to give her the decision.

Mu Xiaoxiao has a headache.

On the one hand, based on her understanding of Lu Yichen, he would not come to her this way if it was not important.

On the one hand, she was afraid that Yin Shaoxu's vinegar jar was jealous.

Hey, what should I do?

Han Qiqing suddenly said, "Lu Yichen, if you are worried about the small things because of the things said on the forum, you can rest assured that small is very good, she doesn't care what those people say about her."

However, Lu Yichen shook his head and said, "It's not because of this."

It seems to be more important.

Han Qiqing also looked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao was so depressed that he looked at Yin Shaoxing and then looked at Lu Yichen.

What did she do?

At this time, Lu Yichen said again, "Just two minutes."

Mu Xiaoxiao opened his mouth.

Yin Shaoji suddenly said, "Okay."

As soon as his words fell, Mu Xiaoxiao, who had suffered so much, was finally relieved.

Lu Yichen nodded his head slightly to Yin Shaojie, it was a thank you.

He made a gesture to Mu Xiaoxiao to follow him.

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