Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2517: Invite her to his house (4)

They went to a place without people.

"What's the matter?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked.

Lu Yichen seemed a bit difficult to speak, but he didn't have much time and he couldn't hesitate. He said directly, "Tonight, I want to invite you to my house for dinner."

"Ah?" Mu Xiaoxiao froze.

What did she think was important!

Seeing his solemn look, did he just invite her to dinner?

So inexplicably, he was hit by Han Qiqing.

Lu Yichen actually asked her.

This answer, of course, did not hesitate, she could not go.

As soon as the refusal came to her mouth, Lu Yichen saw what she meant and explained, "Listen to me first, Gu Pingyuan asked me to invite you. He hopes that I can get closer to you. Although I returned Gu family, but he hasn't fully trusted me yet. I need to gain his trust in order to approach him and know more about the internal affairs. "

Mu Xiaoxiao understood what he meant.

In other words, he hoped that she would cooperate with him, do something in front of Gu Pingyuan, and help him gain Gu Pingyuan's trust.

It's too busy to do too much. She seems unhelpful and bad.

Gu Pingyuan is now a dangerous person, and no one knows what he wants to do next. He is particularly afraid that he will bring terrorists to China. This has triggered a major incident.

Mu Xiaoxiao is tangled.

At her will, she is willing to help, but ... Yin Shaoyu that guy must not let her go.

The thought of making Yin Shaojie unhappy, she didn't want to agree.

Lu Yichen also explained something to her. Mu Xiaoxiao listened and remained silent, never speaking.

"I hope you can think about it, but if you really don't want to go, I respect your decision."

At this time, Yin Shaojiao walked aggressively.

"It's been two minutes."

He took a small hand and left.

Lu Yichen said nothing.

But these words he just said are still turning in Mu Xiaomin's mind.

Yin Shaojiu pulled her away, and saw that she was dreaming.

"What did he just tell you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked back, "Ah? No ..."

Subconsciously wanted to say nothing, but after a pause, she told him the truth.

"What do you think I should do? It feels like ... I should help him."

In fact, the problem is not to help Lu Yichen, the problem is to Gu Pingyuan.

If Lu Yichen can approach Gu Pingyuan and gain his trust, this will definitely be in their favor.

Yin Shaojie calmed down and looked at her deeply.

He said, "You want to help him?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid he would be unhappy, and quickly shook his head and said, "No, don't help or don't help, if you don't like it, I will not help."

"I mean, your own idea, do you want to help him?"

Yin Shaoji's tone makes people not hear his true emotions.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little panicked and shook his head instinctively. "No, no help. Anyway, Gu Pingyuan recognized Lu Yichen. He must have his purpose. Maybe he would let Lu Yichen come into contact with some internal affairs?"


She remembered previous terrorist attacks in the United States and Sydney, where innocent people suffered an inexplicable disaster.

That terrible thing, she didn't want to happen at home.

Especially those innocent people, they just want to live in peace and quiet.

They worked so hard for life and hope for the future.

She didn't want to see any tragedy.

Yin Shaoji said suddenly, "If you want to help him, just go."

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