Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2523: I started thinking about Yin Shaoyu (2)

This kind of nerd who can only study, he can knock him down with one fist!

Feng Tianqi is very confident, and his fists are windy.

A punch in the past!

Everyone exclaimed.

Not because Lu Yichen was beaten, but because Feng Tianqi's fist was stopped!

The situation at hand made Mu Xiaoxiao stunned.

Did she read it right?

Lu Yichen ... caught Feng Tianqi's fist?

"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry." Lu Yichen said softly, and suddenly hit a certain position on the side of Feng Tianqi's side with a curved knuckle.

Feng Tianqi's eyes glared suddenly, and her body softened.

The next second, he was dropped over the shoulder.

There was a loud noise.

Feng Tianqi did not beat the other side down, but laid herself down.

"Let's go little."

After Lu Yichen brought down Feng Tianqi, he moved Mu Xiaoxiao into the car with a gentleman.

"But Tianqi ..."

The moment I just fell over my shoulder looked scary, making Mu Xiaoxiao a little worried about Feng Tianqi.

"He's fine."

As soon as Lu Yichen's words fell, she saw Feng Tianqi jump up, annoyed.

Obviously, it was his underdog who defeated him.

Although Feng Tianqi is hot, he is a very credible person.

Having said who can win, Xiaoxiao can be taken away, so he now has no position to stop Lu Yichen.

Because he lost.

Feng Tianqi gritted her teeth angrily.

He actually lost to a nerd!

Speaking of nerds, Ye Xinwei's face popped up naturally in his mind.

He thought indignantly, was it that he had recently made a charge with a nerd?


Mu Xiaoxiao sat in the back seat and leaned out his head and asked him, "Feng Tianqi, are you okay?"

Feng Tianqi looked particularly upset, because she was ashamed and strangled!

"I'm fine!"

Mu Xiao's novel, "Go back and apply some medicine."

I just fell over my shoulder and fell to the ground with a slam, and I feel like I fell quite heavily.

Feng Tianqi's face turned black. "What medicine? I said I'm fine."

Mu Xiaoxiao thought he was hard-mouthed and saw Lu Yichen getting in the car. She waved to him and said, "You better rub some medicine. It's safer. I'll go first.

Feng Tian Qi didn't even feel goodbye, so he could only watch the limousine drive away from him.

In the car.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Lu Yichen with a surprised look and asked, "Lu Yichen, you just knocked Feng Tianqi down. When did you become so powerful?"

It's incredible!

She was still worried that Feng Tianqi would hurt him. Who knew that the plot turned the other way.

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao was incredible.

Lu Yichen smiled and said, "It's mainly because he underestimated the enemy. If not, I can't beat him."

He just caught the opponent's gap and used the fastest way to control the enemy.

He didn't want to fight with each other.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him, "Have you ever practiced secretly?"

Seeing his recent posture, he moved quickly and swiftly.

Lu Yichen touched his nose and said, "Forget it ... I've been doing some exercises recently."

What he didn't say is that Gu Pingyuan's people taught him all fatal tricks, and the intensity of exercise was very high.

That's why he knows what to do with the enemy.

"Huh?" Mu Xiaoxiao found something, his head leaned over, and his little hand also stretched over, grabbing Lu Yichen's neckline, "how are you here ..."

Seems black?

As soon as her hand touched his clothes, Lu Yichen avoided it subconsciously.

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