Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2524: I started thinking about Yin Shaoyu (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't let go, and when he hid from her, he pulled out the black and purple bruise.

She was startled. "Are you hurt?"

Lu Yichen said calmly, "It's not an injury. It was accidentally injured during exercise. It doesn't matter."

Fortunately, in winter, there are many clothes on my body, so I can hide these scars on my body.

Otherwise, she is so shrewd that she will definitely find it.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned. "But how could it hurt so much? Did you hit something?"

Lu Yichen said, "It's nothing. When I used to practice the ball, I also had injuries or injuries. It was normal for me to get a little injury when I first started practicing martial arts."

Mu Xiaoxiao also felt reasonable, so he didn't ask more questions.

The car suddenly quieted down.

After a while, a WeChat tone sounded on her phone.

She originally thought it was from Qi Qing. Who knew that when she picked up her cell phone, it was Lu Yichen.

Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised.

Obviously he was sitting next to her ...

A moment of stunned, a new message came up.

——Don't look at me, you will be found.

Mu Xiaoxiao instinctively looked up at the driver.

She was still witty, and immediately guessed that the driver was the one arranged by Gu Pingyuan, and the conversation between her and Lu Yichen should be monitored.

--Yes, I understand.

She responded to him.

Lu Yichen sent her a long paragraph this time.

——Gu Pingyuan hoped that I would be close to you. I also said that I wanted to pursue you, but I refused, but he didn't seem to give up. He might mention these when he waited for dinner, no matter what he said, Just reject it.

——From his words, I feel that he really wants to win over you, so he should not do anything to you. If so, I will do everything to protect you.

——Thank you for coming. Just treat me as a friend and don't feel any embarrassment.

Seeing this, Mu Xiaoxiao pouted and smiled.

She replied.

——Be assured, Uncle Gu will not treat me, don't think too much, I will treat it as a dinner with the elders.

After Lu Yichen sent an 'um', he put away his mobile phone.

All the way to peace.

Soon, arrived at Gu's house.

There were two rows of servants standing at the door. Some people pulled the car door, others bent down respectfully and shouted in unison, "Welcome Miss Mu."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying with such a big battle.

She just came for a meal ...

The man who opened the door reached out to help her, Mu Xiaosha shook her hand, saying that it was not necessary.

She got out of the car herself.

Lu Yichen also got out of the car from the other side and walked back to her.

"You don't need to be nervous." He calmed quietly.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "It's okay, I'm not nervous."

He may have underestimated her. She has seen larger battles. What's this?

For example, in the country of the UAE, every time she goes to the palace to play, there are hundreds of servants in a row.

Lu Yichen led her into the villa very gentlely.

In the living room, Mu Xiaoxiao heard Gu Pingyuan's voice.

"Little, welcome, I didn't expect Yi Chen to really invite you here. It seems that you are really good friends."

Mu Xiaoxiao hung a polite sweet smile, and said softly, "Uncle Gu, uncle Gu invited me as a guest, how could I not come?"

Gu Pingyuan walked down the stairs and walked in front of her with a loving smile from the elders.

"It's good to come. I don't know how happy I was when I learned that you and Yichen are good friends."

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