Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2535: Is he expecting that? (2)

What's in the phone? He looks so focused.

Mu Xiaoxiao was curious, holding up and stretching his neck to see what he was looking at.

Yin Shaojie shifted the screen to the other side and did not show her.

Mu Xiaoxiao grumbled.

She didn't even show her cell phone.

"Hey, Yin Shaojie!"

Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed his arm this time, but he was too muscular, and she couldn't hold it.

Looking down, looking at his arm, he was so anxious to bite him.

Fortunately, she is still sensible. If she bites him, it is her pain, so why bother herself?

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly turned his eyes.

She pursed and chuckled, sat up, and pressed her upper body against him as if to rub herself into his body.

"Yin Shaoji, Yin Shaoji, Yin Shaoji, I have called you so many times, I tell you, when I called ten times, if you ignore me, I will ignore you.

As he said, he put his hand on his chest.

Unless he is a gentleman with a beautiful beauty, he will not believe that he has no response.

Is he?

He certainly isn't!

This guy is a satyr among satyr!

"I'm counting, I just called you seven times, and there are three more times, Yin Shaoyu, Yin ..."

She made her final threat, and then slowly yelled at his name.

If he still ignores her like this, then ... hum!

"Yin Shao ..."

This is the last time!

After Mu Xiaoxiao shouted, his big eyes narrowed at him, especially wronged.

He still ignored her.

Why is he doing this!

"You don't even care about me, that's all ... it's boring to sleep together, I'm gone."

Huh, bastard, she all made an ultimatum like that. He still ignored her, so how shameless she was.

He doesn't hurt her anymore.

Mu Xiao sullenly wanted to get out of bed.

At this time, Yin Shaojiu finally turned her head to look at her.

"You just counted eight times."

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes stared. "What eight times, I counted ten times! I counted very clearly, ten times!"

Yin Shaoji said, "You shouted in front of you, twice, this is not counted."

"Why not!"

Although he retorted with him, Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth had a smile.

It turned out to be like that, he thought he was really willing to ignore her.

Mu Xiao's novel, "I'll count it twice more, Yin Shao Yin Shao Shao, so that's ten times. Then you can ignore me?"

Yin Shaojie almost couldn't hold back a smile.

He worked hard to stop his face, and slowly nodded and said, "Okay, do you think about it and give me a reward?"

Sure enough, he cares about this.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew that there was no way to flicker past.

She hugged his arm, surrendering.

"Well, then I'll draw that for you ... nude, **** painting, weekend painting, okay?"

It was also a great challenge for her.

Yin Shao looked at her, "Are you sure?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "I'm sure!"

Yin Shaojie was satisfied, and the corners of his mouth finally did not need to be restrained anymore, and an evil smile appeared.

"Okay, you can't regret it."

Mu Xiaoxiaoming knew it was his trick, but he couldn't help it.

"Well, don't regret it."

Her little head came close, and his long arms finally caught her.

Mu Xiaoxiao enjoyed his warm embrace.

Then she felt calm in her heart next to him.

Yin Shaoji kissed her on the head and said, "Then we will start tomorrow after school."

"Okay ..." Mu Xiaoxiao said casually, suddenly feeling something wrong, looked up at him in surprise and asked, "departure? Where to go?"

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