Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2536: Is he expecting that? (3)

Yin Shaojie laughed. "I decided not to paint in the apartment. Let's go to the suburbs. I just booked a resort villa. We will go on vacation on the weekend and draw by the way."


Mu Xiaoxiao got it. It turned out that he was looking for a resort just looking at his mobile phone!

Yin Shaojie's smile was a little bit evil. "The villa is very big, so you can take a hot spring."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She seemed to understand what he meant.

By then they can do something in the hot spring ...

The stingy picture flashed in my mind, and Mu Xiaoxiao only felt that his face was a little hot.

He is really ...

Yin Shaojie's smile became more and more proud.

"I also bought you a gift."

At this time he was like a child with great dedication.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She suddenly didn't want to know what the gift was.

The sixth sense told her that it must not be a serious gift.

Yin Shaoxing drew a blueprint of happiness in her mind, and kissed her and kissed her.

"Okay, don't kiss."

Feeling that he was getting too much, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly stopped him.

"not enough."

Yin Shao's voice was dumb because she was emotional, and her big hand clasped her back to let her accept her kiss.

A fiery kiss struck instantly.

He said before that he had to make it up at night.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't do anything wrong with him. After struggling, it was useless and he simply gave up treatment.

A deep kiss disturbed the breath of both.

Mu Xiaoxiao gasped softly, his eyes turned into water eyes and looked at him with an indescribable charm.

Yin Shaoxu's heartstrings were stirred a few times.

"Don't hit me ..."

He warned her.

Mu Xiaoxiao's watery eyes blinked, and the long, curly eyelashes looked like butterfly wings with wings spread.

How could she hit him?

Yin Shaojiu let go of her lips and buried her face in her neck.

I'm going to school tomorrow, so don't mess up too much.

You have to hold back, and you'll be happy by the weekend.

While comforting yourself, soothe the restlessness of the body.

"Well, go to bed," he said.

Mu Xiaoxiao stumbled, "Go to bed so early?"

"Yes!" Yin Shaojiu turned to turn off the light, then lay her down and hugged her in her arms.

"I want to come early tomorrow ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled when he heard his murmur.

Is he expecting that?

Really lost to him.

Mu Xiaoxiao comfortably nestled in his arms.

The bodies of the two seem to be fused together, one concave and one convex, completely fitting.

It was night and it was quiet.

The next day.

Yin Shaojiu is full of hope that Friday will be spent quickly. On the other side, Han Qiqing is worried, and hopes that Friday will be slower and slower. It is best to stop on this day forever.

Because, this weekend, she will take the test of her brother!

"Woohoo, what to do ... I don't feel confident at all."

Han Qiqing frowned.

Song Shijun leaned back against the table and listened to her complaining.

"Aren't you taking your class seriously lately? Haven't you been reviewing when you got home? It's okay, just take the test easily. Even if it's not good, your brother won't be doing you good."

Instead, it was the school's exam. I had never seen her so scared.

Han Qiqing looked up and glared at him indifferently.

"It's not your exam. Of course you can say easily! If I don't take the exam, my pocket money will be deducted. No money to spend, will you support me?"

Anyway, she is also one of the four big families, Miss Qian Jin of the Han family.

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