Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2636: He brought a girl back (3)

The police stared at Mu Xiao's novel. "There is surveillance at the airport. As long as we call out surveillance, we can see if he is indecent. Do you need us to adjust surveillance? Or do you tell the truth?"

It can be seen from this that the police believed what the other party said.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, and she could see that for the police, the unpleasant words that the concubine spoke to her were completely okay. She just had to put up with it, and didn't need to make such a big noise.

She held her breath and said, "He insulted me with words, and he tried to attack me. Of course, I would shout out of courtesy. Would you like me to be a girl and fight with him? Have I beat him?"

The policeman said blankly, "So you confess, he didn't rude you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, "Yes, no."

The policeman smiled and closed the folder.

"Well, this matter is settled by both parties, you can go."

The gangster man was also dissatisfied. "Comrade Police, she also took my picture. She should be deleted, it must be deleted!"

The police deleted the photo before returning the phone to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao was angry, but could not vent.

The chattering man walked out of the police station with a smile and looked at her provocatively, "If you want me to touch your chest so much, then I would be willing to accompany you. Since you are so destined, would you like to open a room?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was nauseated by him.


The other side was disgusting her deliberately, and still pestered her, "Well, look at your body so good, your chest must be rubbed by men often? I rub it for you too."

Speaking, he also made insignificant gestures and expressions.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it this time, she walked coldly.

The chatter man looked at her with a smile.

"Right, wouldn't it be nice to promise early? What's pure?"

Mu Xiaoxiao got close enough to give him a straight punch and hit his nose.

Without giving him a chance to get angry, she held up her phone and sneered at him, "I just recorded what you just said. This has formed verbal sexual harassment. If you want to go in again, I can be like you willing!"

The gangster man was angry, scolded a lot of bad words, and then quickly slipped away.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao punched each other, he didn't breathe much, but he was still angry.

She said that she recorded those words, but she actually lied to him.

If she did record, let him go to the police station directly and sue him for sexual harassment.

The police station near the airport, there were no people nearby, and it looked empty.

Mu Xiaoxin's heart was empty.

She waited for a long time before finally waiting for a taxi.

She just wants to go home now.

She hoped that when she returned to Yin's house, Yin Shaojie was already there.

She didn't want to guess, if he hadn't returned home, she would be accompanying the girl what he was doing ...

In the car.

Mu Xiaoxiao was expressionless, and the driver looked back at her from time to time, and couldn't help asking "Gossip, are you broken?"

Lose your sister's love!

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to answer this question.

The driver sighed and said to himself, "I have encountered this many times. Just a few days ago, there was a little girl sitting in my car and crying in the car. She went to the airport to pick up the man. My friend, who knows but saw her boyfriend carrying other women out, and then she took my car and followed her boyfriend. Do you know how? That man took Xinhuan to the hotel! "

Mu Xiaoxiao was upset by what he said, "I don't want to listen, thank you."

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