Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2637: He brought a girl back (4)

The driver said she understood her, "Well, are you the same? Boyfriend is derailed? Seeing you look so beautiful, your boyfriend must be handsome, right? All said, handsome guys are unreliable and are fancy."

"Actually, you can understand that handsome guys are surrounded by all kinds of beautiful women. It is normal for them to be uncontrollable for a while. Besides, men are all like this. You are just used to it."

Get used to your sister!

Her Yin Shaojie would not do this!

Mu Xiaoxiao was already holding a belly fire, annoyed by him that he wanted to explode.

She didn't care about politeness and said, "Can you stop talking? I want to be quiet now."

She had a bad tone, and the driver glanced at her from the rearview mirror and shut up obediently.

The air was quiet for a while, and Mu Xiao's cell phone rang.

She had a meal, looking forward to calling from Yin Shaojie.

However, at first glance, she was destined to be disappointed.

It was from Qiqing.

"Xiaoxiao, how's it going? Have you received Yin Shaojie?"

Mu Xiaoxiao held the phone, and the grievances flowed up again. She said bitterly, "No ..."

Han Qiqing froze and asked in confusion, "Not received? Why? Hasn't his flight already arrived? Or, did he change the flight?"

"No ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and said, "He ... came back with a girl. I can't go up to bother him and his friends, so he didn't know that I would pick him up at the airport."

Han Qiqing exclaimed, "Ah! What ?! He brought a girl back? Mom, my crow mouth! Crow mouth, crow mouth!"

On the cell phone, Han Qiqing blame herself.

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard the sound of her beating herself, she said, "It's not about you."

"Woohoo, my poor little, you must be very sad, why don't you rush up and ask who the girl is?" Han Qiqing distressed Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly. "Why ... rushed to question? Maybe his friend, wouldn't it be rude if I rushed up?"

Han Qiqing said, "Then you can't just do that, let them go and leave, and you'll let Yin Shaoji explain to you, who is that girl?"

"Well." Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say.

Han Qiqing can't wait to be with her now and give her a warm hug.

Along the way, Qi Qing didn't hang up. She always comforted her and spoke with her, afraid she would think wildly if she left her alone.

In this regard, Mu Xiaoxiao was very moved.

Finally returned to Yin's house, Mu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone.

Before entering the big house, a maid who had a good relationship with her greeted her, gave her a sigh of relief, and whispered to her, "Well, that ... Ms. Mu, Master brought a girl back ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, his face miserable.

He brought a girl back?

Is it the girl who came back together at the airport?

He didn't send the girl to the hotel or arrange accommodation, but brought it home?

what's going on?

Mu Xiaoxiao is completely stunned, this is not within the scope of her guess!

The maid observed her face and continued, "The guest has been arranged to stay."

Not to visit Yin's house, but to stay.

Mu Xiaoxiao's doubts deepened.

She asked, "Who is that girl? Have you been to the house before?"

The maid shook her head and said, "No."

Mu Xiaoxiao knew that she couldn't ask any more. The rest of the questions, it was Yin Shaojie who answered her.

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