Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2638: I don't want you anymore! (1)

"Miss Mu is back!" Shouted a servant.

As soon as Mu Xiaoxiao walked into the living room, Yin Shaoxing came face-to-face, with a frown on that handsome face.

"Who are you talking to on the phone? I've been calling you all the time.

Mu Xiaoxiao was in a bad mood, listening to his tone, he felt that he was blaming her.

"I'm chatting with Qi Qing ..."

Qi Qing knew that she was in a bad mood and had been comforting her.

And why is she in a bad mood?

Not because of him?

He actually blamed her for keeping her phone busy.

Yin Shaoji said silently, "What are you talking to with her for so long, haven't you been together every day? Why are there so many things to say, do you know that I haven't been able to make phone calls, how worried are you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was expressionless.

What about her?

Did he ever think that every time she called him for the past two days, it was turned off. How did she feel? How worried was she about him?

Mu Xiaoxiao had a lot of negative emotions in his heart.

She has no control.

Mother Yin came up and said, "Oh, don't blame Xiaoxiao, it's good if Xiaoxiao comes back, come and come, Xiaoxiao should be hungry? Let's have dinner."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up and looked at the girl sitting next to Yin Yin.

"Guests are here, don't you ... introduce me?"

She said this to Yin Shaojie, and her tone had some meaning.

Yin Shaojiu softened his tone and asked her, "Are you angry? When I got up today, my cell phone was out of power, and I only saw your message later. I did n’t get back your message, and I did n’t receive your call. Anymore? "

So the attitude towards him is so strange now, not enthusiastic at all, not intimate.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he was left-handed.

"I ask you, there are guests at home, don't you introduce me?"

She just wanted to know who the girl was.

Yin Shaoji took her little hand, wrapped it in his big hand, and coaxed her, "The first thing you say is angry. I didn't mean to not return your information on purpose. When I saw it, I was already on my way home. So I thought about coming back and telling you. "

Who knows, it's time for school, but she hasn't returned home yet.

He called her and was always busy, which made him worry.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little mad at him, and she was so annoyed that she wanted to yell loudly and ask him who the girl was?

However, after all, the elder mother Yin was also there. She was afraid to scare her and did not want to do such rude things.

She held her breath and repeated, "I said, there are guests at home, should you introduce me?"

He looked back and talked about him, she was really going to be angry!

Yin Shaoji heard her hard tone and frowned.

He lowered his voice and said, "Okay, let's talk about your anger later and introduce you to the guests first."

Mu Xiaoxiao was pulled by him and walked over to the girl.

Yin Shaoji said, "This is Jiang Ruoxian and will live in our house for a while. This is Mu Xiaoxiao, my fiancee."

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at Jiang Ruoxian, feeling that when she heard Yin Shaoyi's "fiancee", her eyes seemed to be missing.

Jiang Ruoqi seemed to be stunned, "Ah, your fiancee ... Are you engaged? Ah, sorry, I'm just a little ... unexpected, I didn't expect you to be engaged at such a young age, hi, can I call you little You just call me Xiao Qian. "

The other person's attitude is very friendly.

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