Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2658: He actually disagrees (1)

Everyone froze and turned to look over there.

Yin Shaojiu, with a cool face on his face, walked to Mu Xiaoxiao step by step, staring at the boy with a sharp arrow, saying, "You are fired!"

The boy was panicking, "Say, I'm ..."

He never thought that Xiao Shao would protect Mu Xiaoxiao in this way.

"Shao Shao, Mu Xiaoxiao she has been taken by other men ..."

He wanted to warn Ji Shao, such a situation, no man can bear it, not to mention Yin Shaoyi, the supreme right.

However, before he finished speaking, he was slammed into the face with a huge fist.

The boy took two steps and fell to the ground.

Yin Shaoji said coldly, "Go! Don't let me say it again!"

The boys still want to defend, they have not made a bet yet, how can they judge he lost?

But he paused and understood.

This is Yin Shaojie, and what he said represents everything.

The result of the gambling game is no longer meaningful. Yin Shaojie is going to make an effort for Mu Xiaoxiao.

The boy's face turned pale, and he struggled to make the final struggle.

"Alas, alas, I was wrong, I was wrong, I thought you didn't care about Mu Xiaoxiao, so you would ... I'm really wrong! Please let me go once, please!"

The boy was so stupid. He had so many lessons learned before, how could he still make such a stupid mistake?

However, human beings are like this. The more impossible they are, the more they want to challenge.

I want to be the one who breaks the impossible.

Yin Shaojie sneered at him, "I was wrong."

The boy looked at the coldness in his eyes, but felt a chill in his heart.

Yin Shaoji said coldly, "Give you a day and take your family out of City A."

"Ah?" The boy looked at him in horror.

What does it mean?

Does that mean ... kick their home out of city A?

But their business and relationship are in City A. How can they leave? Can't leave!

The boy was really scared. He knelt down on the ground and begged Yin Shaoyu, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was young, please let me go. Do n’t rush us out of City A, please I beg you……"

Yin Shaojie was unmoved.

He glanced at the people present.

Those people were shocked by his eyes, their hearts trembled, and they were intimidated involuntarily.

It was fortunate that fortunately, they held back and did not make any bad comments to Mu Xiaoxiao, otherwise they are the ones who have suffered.

Wu Shao has used actions to show that Mu Xiaoxiao's position in his heart cannot be shaken.

He guarded her, forbid anyone to discredit her, even if it was a little unpleasant to her.

Seeing Yin Shaoyan's eyelids not raised, the boy turned to Mu Xiaoxiao and slapped him with a clap.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, it was me wrong, it was my mouth that was cheap, I ate **** and stinks. Your grown-ups do n’t remember the villain's life, let me let the younger let me go. . "

Mu Xiaoxiao is not soft-hearted, although she believes that Yin Shao's approach is excessive.

But she doesn't want to talk to Yin Shaojie now.

So this person, the wrong person.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned around and left.

Yin Shaojiu glanced at the boy coldly, and threw down a sentence, "Give you a day, tomorrow, if you don't leave, someone will leave you."

After speaking, he hurriedly pursued Xiaoxiao.

The boy was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, sitting softly on the ground.

Regret at this time.

Why didn't you just listen?

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