Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2659: He actually disagrees (2)

Said not to provoke the little one!

He is partial to evil.

Why not believe in evil!

Not only is he dying, but his family is also affected.

The onlookers just gave him sympathy.

This was also done by himself. Just now some classmates pulled him, but he had to provoke Mu Xiao, and Ladu couldn't help, who can blame?


Mu Xiaoxiao kept walking forward, but did not look at Yin Shaojiu who followed.

Yin Shaojiu changed back to a loyal dog, but just obediently followed her.

On the way, I met some students and looked at them in amazement.

What happened?

Did n’t they all say that Xiao Shao was so angry that he might break up?

How do you look at it, it seems that Mu Xiaoxiao is angry at him!

They couldn't help but admire Mu Xiaoxiao, and it was estimated that Mu Xiaoxiao would be the only one who could show off his face.

Arrived at the Student Union Building.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't go to Yin Shao's office as usual, but went to Han Qiqing's office.

She clicked into WeChat and wanted to send a message to Han Qiqing.

Then she saw that Qi Qing sent her a lot of information and asked her what was happening at the police station.

"It's okay, just go to help, I'm back now, just rest in your office, you can just go to the office to find me after school."

Han Qiqing responded to her quickly during the class.

"Xiaoxiao, are you in my office? Would you like me to accompany you? Where's Yin Shaoxing?"

At this time, Yin Shaojiu came in with a cup.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up at him and replied Qi Qing, "He is very annoyed and has been with me."

"They said you were being rude, wasn't it? You didn't tell me why this happened."

"It's rude, that person is harassing me, I just said it on purpose, okay, let's have a good class and wait until you finish school."

Mu Xiaoxiao put down her phone, and her eyes fell on the cup that Yin Shaoyu put down.

It's a cup of hot milk.

"Don't drink." She flung out two words.

Yin Shaoji asked, "What do you want to drink?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was still gasping and said, "I want to drink your blood!"

Who knows, Yin Shaojiao nodded, "OK."

Mu Xiaoxiao froze.

Yin Shaojiu turned and went out.

Mu Xiaoxiao shouted at him, "Stop it for me! Are you or you annoying! You are so annoying!"

This **** wouldn't really want to get his blood for her, right?

Is she deliberate, can't he hear?

Why is he so annoying!

Yin Shaojiu turned her head and walked to her side, squatting down, holding her little hand with her big hand, and her magnetic voice softened and said, "Little, you want me to do anything, as long as you don't get angry."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "Hum!"

Yin Shaojie held her hand to her lips and kissed, "Sorry, I didn't know you had encountered so many things ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao said coolly, "You're going to accompany other girls, it's normal not to know."

Yin Shaojie sighed, "Little, I really have nothing to do with Jiang Ruoqian. I used to pick her up because of her poor health."

"She's not well, so you flew over to pick her up? You are so nice." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and praised him, but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

She hadn't thought about it before.

Yes, he flew over to take Jiang Ruoxian.

This shows what?

It illustrates his emphasis on Jiang Ruoxi.

Even if this was not voluntary, it was Mrs. Yin's request, but he passed by himself, which is a fact.

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