Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2660: He actually disagrees (3)

Yin Shaojie was silent, black eyes stared at her.

"Little ..."

His voice resounded as if in silence.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know why he was worried.

"What? You're wronged? I'm not wronged!" She glared at him.

Yin Shaojie said in a deep voice, "I know you're wronged, I know you're jealous, I know, I know, what are you going to do to forgive me?"

He doesn't like arguing with her.

The cold war feels too bad.

Most importantly, he didn't want to see her unhappy.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him and asked, "Why let her live in our house? Didn't she know anyone else in City A? She is not well, shouldn't she be hospitalized?"

Although Jiang Ruoxian didn't show any malicious intentions, Mu Xiaoxiao was heartbroken and didn't want other girls to live in their home.

What does it mean to live in the Yin family?

That's under the same roof as Yin Shaoxing.

Yin Shao frowned, and his dark eyes were deep.

He explained embarrassedly, "This ... Mom is going to take her to the house, and I can't help it."

Mu Xiaoxiao flattened his mouth.

"Mother Yin, and Jiang Ruo Qian's mother, are they really good friends?"

Yin Shao paused and nodded.

Mu Xiaoxiao also knew that it would be too unreasonable to go on like this.

It was the daughter of Mother Yin's good friend, and it was reasonable that Mother Yin took her home.

"Jiang Ruoqi, is there any serious illness?"

Seeing that Mother Yin took care of Jiang Ruoxian so much, and there was obvious distress in her eyes, it was not difficult for Mu Xiaoxiao to guess that Jiang Ruoxi's so-called "well-being" should not be so simple.

Yin Shaojiu glanced down. "Well, very serious illness."

"This way ..." Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, dare not ask further.

Very serious illness, can it die?

No wonder she thought Jiang Ruoxian's face was a little strange, she didn't look very energetic, and her eyes looked as if ... how to describe it, giving her a sloppy feeling.

It seems that Jiang Ruoxian's illness should be difficult to treat, right?

Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid that she would be soft-hearted because she knew too much, so she didn't ask any more.

"Well, I want to ask everything, you can go." She shook her hand at him, annoying him.

Yin Shaojie certainly didn't leave.

"Then you are not angry with me now?"

"Who said it?" Mu Xiaoxiao held him back, but his tone was not as strong as before. "Return it, I don't want to reconcile with you so soon."

Although unhappy, she never thought of breaking up.

But she didn't want to. Every time he coaxed her, the two reconciled.

She self-examined, wasn't she too good to coax?

To put it bluntly, the main thing is that she likes him too much. As long as he coaxes her, she feels that other things are not important.

Mu Xiaoxiao has a big understanding in her heart, and she knows that nothing is more important than their feelings.

She firmly believes that nothing can separate them.

Unless, of course, he doesn't love her anymore.

But how could he not love her?

Or, he likes others.

This is even more impossible, because he said that he is the only one in his heart, and he only likes her all his life.

He said, we must do it, we can't believe without words.

What about her?

Mu Xiaoxiao never considered this issue, because she likes a person and will always like it, unless that person breaks her heart and disappoints her.

But she knew that Yin Shaojie wouldn't.

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