Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2661: He actually disagrees (4)

Yin Shaojie got up, almost half of her, and her magnetic voice with charming charm asked, "When will you be willing to make peace with me?"

Mu Xiaoxiao lifted his elbow, "If you are not that annoying, I might consider it faster."

"Before school in the afternoon?" This was what he could accept.

Mu Xiaoxiao hummed, "You want to be beautiful! How could it be so fast, I said, I can't reconcile with you so quickly this time."

Yin Shao frowned. "How long do you want? It won't be too long."

Mu Xiaoxiao poked his tall nose with his finger, "You have no right to speak now."

This guy, dare to dominate her at this time!

Yin Shaoxing thought for a while, and said, "It can't be longer by tomorrow at the latest."

He couldn't stand the feeling of a cold war with her, and even one extra night was a torment for him.

Mu Xiao's novel, "Look at my mood!"

Yin Shaoji asked, "My wife, how do you feel better?"

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, raised a finger and said, "In the future, no matter which male friend I eat with, you can't be jealous."

Yin Shaojie held her finger and stiffened. "This is impossible."

He can't just promise anything he can't.

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "Then ... you are not allowed to hide from me and be alone with other girls, except with my permission."

Yin Shaojie nodded without hesitation. "This is fine."

Mu Xiaoxiao is satisfied now.

"Well, forgive you a little bit now, after school tonight to send you home."

Yin Shaojiu smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth, knowing that she could not make up with him so quickly, but she had forgiven him.

He took hold of her little hand, and kissed him with pious hands. "This is my honor, my queen."

It's afternoon school.

Han Qiqing was surprised to see him following Mu Xiaoxiao like a classmate.

She bumped her shoulders and asked, "Are you all right?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "Not yet."

Han Qiqing said, "Would you like me to take you home? Don't take a car with him."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed. If Yin Shaoji heard this, he would probably stare at Qiqing.

"It's all right."

Han Qiqing remembered something and asked, "Isn't that girl living in Yin's house? Otherwise, wouldn't it be better if you went back to the apartment with Yin Shaoyu?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was reminded by her, "Yes, this can be."

Although she doesn't know how Jiang Ruoqi feels about Yin Shaoxing, the two are about the same age, Yin Shaoxing is so good.

Coupled with Jiang Ruoqi's poor health now, she must have a dependency on her soul, so it's hard to say whether Jiang Ruoqi would like Yin Shaojie.

In order to avoid this possibility, and let them have no chance of contact, this is the best way.

After the two said goodbye, Mu Xiaoxiao got into Yin Shao's car.

Yin Shaoji asked her, "On the way back, would you like to buy something you like to eat by the way? I feel like you have lost weight in the past two days."

This girl must be angry with him and has no appetite for food, so she has lost weight recently.

He felt it when he just hugged her.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned to look at him and said, "Yin Shaoxing, we are not going home, shall we go back to the apartment?"

Hearing this, the car stopped.

It happened to be a red light.

Yin Shaojie looked at her and said, "You want to go back to the apartment?"

Mu Xiao nodded.

Yin Shaojiu's eyes lightened, "Let's live at home recently, okay?"

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