Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2662: I do n’t know if I should tell you (1)

He did not expect that he would disagree, Mu Xiaoxiao for a while, very confused.

"Why? Don't we live in the apartment all the time?"

Yin Shaoyan glanced at the complex emotions at the bottom of his eyes. "There are some things at home that need me, so it is more convenient to live at home. At least this time is, after a while ... you want to go back to the apartment, I will accompany you back to the apartment."

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at him, "What if I insist on going back to my apartment?"

"Little ..." Yin Shaoji looked at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted, "Is it because of Jiang Ruoxian?"

Yin Shaojie shook her head, "No."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't believe it, not because of Jiang Ruoxian, but what was it?

"Then if I say, I will go back to the apartment by myself, and you live at home, what do you say?" She said suddenly with a little anger.

"No!" Yin Shaoyu vetoed it decisively. The next second, his tone turned and he coaxed, "Little, you are obedient. I really have something to do, not a joke. This is very important. "

Mu Xiaoxiao heard the seriousness and solemnity of his tone.

She pursed her lips and gave up.

Persevering in it, it is really unreasonable.

She only hoped that what he called important was not related to Jiang Ruoxi.

All the way home, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't speak again.

No matter how Yin Shaojie teased her, she just looked out the window.

"Little, I don't want to tell you something, but I can't say it for the time being, don't you get angry with me because of this ..."

Obviously he was in a peaceful atmosphere, but now it seems to have become more rigid.

Mu Xiao said stubbornly, "Anyway, you are a double standard. I do n’t tell you about me, you just say me, so I wo n’t allow anything to hide from you, but what about you? You can do whatever you want Tell me, you have to wait for it to tell me! "

The more you think, the more unfair.

Although she also understood that the less he knew, the better he might do, and she did not have to know it.

She is also very sensible, she should not let him tell her what she should know.

However, she hates his double mark!

Why can he be like this, and demandingly ask her not to hide anything from him?

Shit **** double label!

Now that men and women are equal, why can he double-mark!

Mu Xiao was so upset that her chest was irritating, thinking that next time she would also have to find a chance to let him experience the taste of being double-marked!

Yin Shao frowned, caught up with her, grabbed her arm, "little ..."

There are things he can't tell her yet.

Not that he didn't want to, but couldn't.

Mu Xiaoxiao twisted his wrist and wanted to break his hand, "You let go, don't you want to reconcile?"

She glared at him, pointing at his nose.

"Think," Yin Shaoji answered.

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted, "then let me go."

Yin Shaojie looked at her for a while, chose to obey, and let go of her.

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted at him and turned to walk into the room.

Yin Shaoyi followed.

Entered the house and found a group of people surrounded.

"Master and Miss Mu are back," a servant reminded.

The talents in front are scattered.

The servant called neatly, "Master, Miss Mu, you are back."

Mu Xiaoxiao was curious, she looked over and saw Mother Yin and Jiang Ruoxian.

What is this doing?

Why ... so many clothes?

Mother Yin saw them back and walked to Lamu Xiaoxiao with a smile.

"Little baby, come here, mother Yin bought some new clothes for you, see if you like it."

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