Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2663: I do n’t know if I should tell you (2)

"New clothes?" Mu Xiaoxiao was pulled over to the sofa.

I saw several sofas full of clothes.

At first glance, I thought it was a stall.

Mu Xiaoxiao said, "Mother Yin, why did you buy so many clothes for me?"

There are more than ten or twenty sets of clothes at a glance, right?

She already had a lot of clothes, and she hadn't wore it many times just by buying it by Yin Shaoyi.

Why did Mother Yin buy so many clothes for her?

Mother Yin smiled, "The pile on the left is Xiao Qian's, and the pile on the right is yours. I know you have a lot of clothes, so you are very restrained. If you don't buy them all, you just bought these. For you, do you like it? "

Mu Xiao paused for a moment.

She rolled her eyes and glanced left and right.

The pile on the left is obviously more than half of the pile on the right.

Mother Yin was careful, she might be worried she would be jealous, and explained, "I took Xiao Qian to buy clothes today because I saw that her clothes were old, and I knew after asking that she had worn them for many years and never bought new ones. I was distressed when I looked at it, so I took her to buy some clothes, and when I saw these skirts, I felt that they were particularly suitable for you, I bought them for you. Would you like to try them and see if they fit well? "

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the skirt that Mom bought for her.

Sure enough, it is very beautiful, it is her favorite style.

Mother Yin has always hurt her, remembering her preferences in her heart.

She smiled softly, "No need to try it, every time Mother Yin buys me, it fits well. I like these clothes very much, thank you Mother Yin."

Mother Yin hugs her affectionately, "Baby, it's good if you like it. When you are free, accompany Mother Yin to go shopping, OK?"

"Well, okay." Mu Xiao nodded.

Jiang Ruoxian was a bit restrained, looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, and said to Mother Yin, "Aunt Yin, you have bought too much clothes for me, so ... I'm really sorry, otherwise, give my clothes to Xiao Come on, I'll just leave one or two. The two of us should be about the same size. "

Mother Yin said, "What can I do?"

Mu Xiaoxiao then said, "Yeah, of course not. These clothes were given to you by Mother Yin. That's yours."

Besides, she doesn't lack these clothes, not to mention robbing this pet.

Mother Yin treats her well. A few more clothes, or a few more, will not change.

Jiang Ruoxian looked a little shy. "Then ... thank Aunt Yin."

Mother Yin ordered her servants to send their clothes to their rooms.

"It's time for dinner, little baby, should you be hungry?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "A bit hungry."

So they walked to the dining room.

After seated, Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "Where is Dad Yin?"

Mrs. Yin explained, "He is still in the company. He has accumulated a lot of work in the past few days. He will come back later. We will eat first, and don't have to wait for him."

When I was about to start a meal, someone's cell phone rang.

Mu Xiaoxiao held the bowl and drank the soup, and looked at the others at the table.

No one moved and looked at each other.

Whose phone is ringing?

Mother Yin suddenly remembered and reminded Jiang Ruoqi, "Xiao Qian, it's your cell phone, your new cell phone."

She was reminded that Jiang Ruoxian reacted and took out her mobile phone.

Indeed, her cell phone rang.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the mobile phone in her hand, whether it was a new one or the latest one, which cost thousands of dollars.

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