Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2666: Better not ask (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao just felt that her brain was buzzing, and she stunned for a while.

By the time she had returned to God, she had already gone downstairs and occupied the doorway of Yin Shao's room.

At this moment, the door was closed.

In other words, Yin Shaoyi returned to the room.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door.

She wanted to ask, why did he just go to Jiang Ruoxian's room and what did he do in it?

But ... what about asking?

Will he say?

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head with a question and answer.

No, he won't say.

He doesn't tell himself anything now.

So even if she knocked on the door and forced him to ask, he still had various excuses to say that this matter could not be said.

So what's the use of asking her?

Better not ask.

Mu Xiaoxiao's hand dropped.

Her expression was low, and her shiny eyes were always gloomy at the moment.

She glanced at the door panel and turned away.

Mu Xiaoxiao returned to his room.

She sat on the bed, hugging her knees, her eyes empty, not knowing what she was looking at.

She didn't know why she suddenly felt tired and tired.

I don't want to think about it, I don't want to care about it, I don't want to care about it.

Remember someone who said to make her happy forever.

Oh, how is this possible.

This is really impossible.

Mu Xiaoxiao picked up her mobile phone, and she moved it unconsciously. She wanted to find Qi Qing and talk a few words.

Qi Qing is her pistachio.

However, his finger accidentally landed on Dad's number and dialed.

Music sounded.

Mu Xiaoxiao listened in silence.

Dad's ringtone is one of Mom's favorite songs.

I heard that this ringtone on Dad's mobile phone was not changed after he was with his mother.

Dad is really affectionate and attentive.

After ringing for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao paused for a while before the phone was connected.

"Hey, baby."

Listening to Dad ’s ‘baby’, Mu Xiaoxiao did n’t know why, and felt a little sore.

"Dad ..." Her voice was like a child, with a waxy tone, giving a coquettish feeling.

Mu Zhengbai smiled, "What's wrong?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said softly, "Dad, I miss you, where are you now?"

Apparently both were in the country, and Dad didn't come to City A to find her.

"I'm ... Lhasa." Mu Zhengbai's tone was a little deep, his voice gave a distant feeling.

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered, "Lhasa? Ah, I remember, you said before that you agreed with your mother to go to Lhasa later, and then the mother ... Then it didn't go, so are you taking your mother to Lhasa? "

Since his mother died, his father has stringed his mother's wedding ring into a necklace and put it on his neck, saying that this is equivalent to having his mother always by his side.

She remembered that when she was chatting with her dad before, her dad said that when he retired later, he would take his mother to travel around the world and take them all with him.

Mu Zhengbai laughed, "Do you remember?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "Well, remember, of course, I remember everything my dad told me about my mother."

So she knows how much father loves mom.

She has felt this love since she was small, so she has been looking for someone who can love her this way.

She thought she had found it.

But now I'm not sure.

Mu Xiaoxiao moved a comfortable position, picked up the pillow and erected it, leaned on the pillow, and asked his father, "Daddy, is Lhasa fun?"

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