Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2667: Better not ask (2)

"Lhasa is beautiful, very beautiful. The sky here is very blue. As soon as you reach out, you can touch it."

Mu Xiao's novel, "So beautiful? I want to see it too."

I heard that Lhasa is the closest place to heaven. If the father is over there, will he be closer to the mother in heaven.

Mu Zhengbai chuckled and said, "Next year, wait for the summer vacation and let Shaoyou take you there. Summer vacation is the best place to come to Lhasa."

Mu Xiao's novel, "No, I don't want to go with him, Dad, I want to go now, go with you and mom, our family is together."

She missed her mother too.

Thinking of her father and mother, she could not wait to fly to Lhasa right away. So, could she also be closer to her mother in heaven?

I miss my mother, I think about it.

I miss my dad.

I want to catch my dad's arms, like a child, never grow up, do not understand what is happy, sad, and laugh innocently.

Mu Xiao felt something in her caution, her eyes gradually wet.

"Dad, I think ... I'll book a plane to Lhasa tomorrow, will I go to you, OK?"

What Mu Zhengbai noticed, "What's wrong? Did you quarrel with Shaoyu?"

Mu Xiaosha shook his head, although Dad couldn't see it.

She said, "No, I just, I suddenly missed you, and I missed my mother, I wanted to go to you. Dad, you can't take over my mother alone, I want to be with my mother."

She hasn't dreamed of her mother for a long time. Go to Lhasa, the place closest to her mother in heaven. Will that make her dream of her mother?

She wanted to dream about her mother and talk to her.

Although her father loved her and loved her, she was a mother and took good care of her.

However, it is always different.

Girls' minds are always more willing to tell their mothers.

Thinking of this, Mu Xiao's tears became even more turbulent.

She was worried that her father would hear it, and quickly found a way to end the topic.

"Dad, is Lhasa cold now? You need to keep warm and don't get sick."

"Well, Dad will. You have to go to class. Don't really fly to Lhasa in a capricious way. You want to go and wait for the summer vacation next year and let Shaoyou take you there."

Dad probably was afraid that she really flew to Lhasa for a moment.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't respond, but just smiled and said, "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to take a bath and sleep, Dad bye, good night."

"Good Night, Darling."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Xiaoxiao pulled the pillow in her arms and let the tears wet the pillow.

The next day.

Mu Xiaoxiao washed down and went downstairs. Mother Yin was downstairs and was shocked to see her.

"Little, why are your eyes so swollen? Did you cry last night?"

Mu Xiaoxiao froze and touched his eyes. "Is it swollen? Maybe it was because I dreamed about my mother last night, and I cried without holding back."

Mother Yin smiled lovingly, "Dream of your mother?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "Well, dream about mom and dad."

Last night, she thought that she hadn't dreamed about her mother for a long time. She didn't expect to have dreamed about it last night, so she got up in the morning and felt good.

Mother Yin asked the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Seeing that it was getting late, before the others came down, she asked the servant to call someone.

After a while, the servant came down. "Madam, Miss Jiang is a little uncomfortable. She said she will come down later."

Mother Yin was worried, "I'm not comfortable? I'll go and see. Little one, you eat first, you don't have to wait for us, and go to school early after you finish."

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