Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2773: In the next life, she will still be the child of the parents (2)

As soon as this question emerged, he was stepped on by Mu Xiaoxiao, and a shoe print appeared on his face.

Mu Xiaoxiao can't beat anyone, just abuse him to play.

After a while, the manager of the clubhouse rushed and was frightened when he learned of Yin Shao's identity.

"Yin, Master Yin ... what do you want to do with this?"

These people have already been dealt with by Yin Shaoxi, and there is another one, which is for the waiter who bought it.

The waiter was brought over and was so scared that she cried, kneeling and saying that she was not bought out, was threatened, and she didn't want to do bad things.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought of something, eyes bent.

She squatted down, leaned in front of the waiter and asked, "Will you make up?"

The waiter froze, then nodded, "Yes, yes!"

Mu Xiaoxiao snapped his fingers and said, "It will be fine. I will give you a chance to make up for it."

The waiter nodded gratefully.

"Let me do anything!"

Mu Xiaoxiao pointed to the lady who said that she was a lady. "Help him put on makeup, be more beautiful, yes, find another dress for him, preferably with a wig ..."

All the requirements of her, the manager of the club actively met her.

After a while, the man was dressed up as a ladies' lady, wearing a skirt and squeezing a fake chest.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded with satisfaction, "Nice."

I have to sigh, the current makeup technology is really comparable to plastic surgery!

The man flinched, his face agitated, not knowing what she wanted to do.

Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at him and said, "Don't you like 'Miss'? If you can receive a guest today, I will let you go."

The man held his arms.

God, how could it be possible for him to do such a thing!

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care whether he could do it or not, let the clubhouse find someone to stare at him. If the task failed, there would be someone who looked good.

The man was taken out.

The manager of the clubhouse stood side by side respectfully and said, "Master Yin, otherwise you will have two more days, and all the costs are free, as our compensation."

Mu Xiaoxiao exclaimed.

Then she suddenly remembered, grabbing Yin Shao's hand, "Ah! I forgot the time! We are going home quickly!"

At a glance, it was almost four o'clock.

It's terrible, I just went back now, it's too late to go back, I can't accompany my father for dinner.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked depressed.

If I knew it, I wouldn't retaliate against that person.

I vented too much and forgot such an important thing.

She couldn't help but knock her head with her hands.

Yin Shaoxian quickly guarded her, grabbed her little hand, and held it in his palm.

"Don't worry, you have to go back for dinner."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him anxiously, "It's almost four o'clock, how could it be possible to rush back for dinner?"

The fastest time to drive back is more than four hours. It ’s too late. You ca n’t tell the family to wait for them to eat.

This certainly doesn't work!

The two of them are juniors, and both of them are elders in the family. You must not do this.

Yin Shaojie smiled and squeezed her face.

"Little stupid, we can go back by moving a car. We will be back to City A in an hour and a half."

Mu Xiaoxiao stunned, "Yeah moving the car ..."

Why did she forget this?

When they left the house, they could only drive over because it was midnight and there was no moving car.

It is only in the afternoon that there are definitely moving cars.

She glared at him bitterly. "Why didn't you say it earlier? It made me sad."

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