Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2774: In the next life, she will still be the child of the parents (3)

Yin Shaoji said jokingly, "Aren't you usually very smart about yourself? How can you not turn your head today? It's strange."

"Strange you! I'm so sleepy, how can I get so much." Mu Xiaoxiao retorted.

Is he unscientific?

Obviously the most tired person is him, and he is sleepy, wouldn't his brain become dull?

Too unscientific!

Yin Shao looked at her, "Well, don't say this, let's rush to the station."

He turned to look at the club manager and asked the other person to arrange for someone to move them to the station and then help him drive the car back to city A.

The manager Bi Gong nodded.

In the evening, it was almost time for school, and Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojiu returned to Yin's house.

The Yin family knew that they had gone out very early, but they didn't know how early. Thankfully, Yin Shaoxi was intimate and made a phone call home to talk to the family, lest Yin mother be worried.

Mu Xiaoxiao happily went up to dine with his father, and gave him the charm he asked for.

"Dad, this is what I and I went to Xiangshan Temple to ask for. It is very spiritual."

She didn't talk about the process of seeking a sign, she just said that she went to Xiangshan Temple with Yin Shaoyu today.

Mu Zhengbai nodded and touched her head.

Mu Xiao's novel, "Dad, let me put it on for you."

After wearing it, she held her father's hand and smiled with a small face, "Daddy, you will be fine."

Mu Zhengbai smiled, "Dad will cheer."

Hearing this, Mu Xiaoxiao was happy and rushed to hug him.

She remembered when she knelt before the Buddha at Xiangshan Temple and prayed.

She finished praying to the Buddha and talked to the mother in the sky.

She told her mother to let her wait for her father, and she and her father both loved her mother, but her father would accompany her until he was old. When he was old, he would go to heaven to find his mother.

When praying with her eyes closed, she felt as if she heard her mother's voice.

She believes that God ’s mother must also miss her father, but she also loves her, so she will not be willing to let her leave her so early.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought and thought, tears filled his eyes.

Next time, she is going to pray to the Buddha, and in the next life she will be a child of her parents.

at night.

Mu Xiaoxiao returned to his room.

After taking a shower, she went to the windowsill and looked at the dark night sky.

The moon was bright tonight, and it looked very comfortable.

Yin Shaojie came over from behind, her arms around her thin waist.

"It's time to sleep. Get up early tomorrow and accompany your father to the hospital."

Mu Xiao nodded his head, very well behaved.

Yin Shao pinched her delicate cheek and pecked lightly.

"Then go to sleep, or should I hold you there?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head, and she leaned back in his arms without moving.

Yin Shaoji laughed, changed his long arm position, and hugged her.

"I really want to sleep. If I want to see the moon, I will look at it tomorrow, and it will look more beautiful tomorrow."

Mu Xiaoxiao was taken to bed by him.

Yin Shaoyi pulled her a quilt to cover her, and then she went around and went to bed.

As soon as he lay down, a petite body came over.

Yin Shaojiu stretched out her long arms and let her lean against her arms.

Mu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes.

Yin Shaoxi kissed her, said his good voice in a deep voice, and closed her eyes.

Just a few minutes, Mu Xiaoxiao opened his eyes again.

She didn't move, just stared at him without blinking.

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