Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2775: In the next life, she will still be the child of the parents (4)

After a while, Yin Shaojiu seemed to feel something and opened his eyes.

The two looked at each other.

Mu Xiaodu murmured and whispered, "I can't sleep ..."

She was worried that Dad was going to get treatment tomorrow.

The mind is messy, obviously thinking nothing, but it seems to be thinking a lot of things.

In short, it's messy.

Yin Shaojie was helpless, turned over and looked at her, "I'll count you sheep?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "Counting sheep is useless."

She counted the sheep last night, but it was useless.

I don't know who invented such a thing as counting sheep, it's useless at all.

Yin Shaoyi thought about it, "Then I'll give you some soothing music?"

Mu Xiaoxiao still shook his head.

Yin Shaoyi thought again and said, "Then I have to do some intense exercise and get tired of sleeping."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him.

Yin Shaoji said, "I mean sports, not what you think."

Mu Xiaoxiao pushed him to lay him flat, and then she put a small face on his heart, and his ears rang with his strong heartbeat, with a wonderful magical power of calming people.

She closed her eyes again.

Yin Shaojie hugged her and said nothing.

The dark room was quiet again.

the next day.

Finally came to this day, Mu Zhengbai was going to enter the treatment room.

Before the treatment, various tests were performed. The doctor said that Mu Zhengbai's physical data are very good, so the chance of successful treatment is high.

Accompanied by the Yin family and Mu Xiaoxiao, Mu Zhengbai was pushed into the treatment room.

Mu Xiaoxiao held his father's hand tightly, and only released his hand at the last minute.

She thought to herself: Dad, you must come out in peace.

Mother Yin also held her hands and prayed.

Dad Yin didn't say anything, but just clung tightly to Mom Yin and gave her the strength to rely on.

Mu Zhengbai's treatment takes some time.

The three Yin family and Mu Xiaoxiao, four were waiting outside the door and would not go anywhere.

Yin Yin beckoned, and Mu Xiaoxiao came over to sit.

But she shook her head.

She didn't want to leave the door because she was closest to her dad. She couldn't do anything now and could only support her in spirit.

Yin Shaojiu was with her, letting her lean in her arms.

Mu Xiaoxiao pillowed his warm chest, and his heart was slightly settled.

After not knowing how long, the door of the treatment room finally opened.

The doctor came out, his face was relaxed.

"After observing for a period of time after the medication, there is no rejection, indicating that the drug has been integrated into Mr. Mu's body, but it will take another day or two to know how effective the treatment is, but it is currently the best situation.

Hearing this, the Yin family and Mu Xiaoxiao were relieved.

Because of the need to observe the effect of the medication, Mu Zhengbai stayed in the hospital in case of any unexpected situation.

The effect of the medicine will make the patient very tired, so they should be given the best rest, so they are not allowed to enter the ward.

Mu Xiaoxiao stood at the door of the ward.

Mother Yin was worried about her and told her to go to dinner first, and they just kept it.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "No, I have to guard my father in person."

Mother Yin sighed and said, "You ate so much in the morning, it's noon now, are you hungry? Let's go eat first, my father and I are here to guard you, rest assured."

Mu Xiaoxiao still refused.

She asked Mother Yin and Father Yin to eat first, but they refused.

At this moment, a nurse hurried over and entered the ward.

"The patient is awake."

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