Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2776: Even if I'm not with you (1)

When Mu Zhengbai woke up, everyone crowded in front of the ward.

In particular, Mu Xiaoxiao was the most excited, "Daddy is awake?"

However, the nurse reached out and stopped them.

Mother Yin asked the nurse, "Can't we go in yet?"

The nurse explained, "The patient is awake, you can go in, but you can't be noisy. The patient needs a quiet rest environment."

Everyone nodded.

"We promise not to be noisy."

The nurse then let go and led them in.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao had short legs, he ran very fast at this time, walked in the forefront, and quickly reached Mu Zhengbai's bed.

At this time, Mu Zhengbai opened his eyes and turned to look at her with a loving smile at the corner of his mouth.


At hearing Dad's voice, Mu Xiaoyan's eyes suddenly became wet.

The hanging heart seemed to find a sense of stability.

"Dad ..." she called softly, and came forward and took hold of Daddy's hand.

Mu Zhengbai said hoarsely, "Don't cry baby."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "I didn't cry. I'm happy. Dad, you will be fine."

Mother Yin wiped her tears aside, to see Mu Zhengbai's mental condition was good, and the big stone in her heart was also put down.

She turned to the nurse, "How is the patient?"

The nurse first checked the conditions of Mu Zhengbai, and then said to them, "The patient is in a good condition. Please let me go. I will give the patient some water and wait for him to rest for lunch.

The three Yin families stepped back two steps.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't move.

The nurse first raised Mu Zhengbai up, then poured a cup of warm water to feed him.

Aside Mu Xiao's novel, "I'm coming."

After hearing that, the nurse gave her the cup.

Mu Xiaoxiao first touched the temperature of the cup before putting the cup to his father's mouth.

Mu Zhengbai smiled, "I'm fine, I'll just drink it myself."

Mu Xiaoxiao refused and was very determined.

Mu Zhengbai really took her for granted and had to let her go.

After a while, the doctor rushed over, first checked Mu Zhengbai's physical condition in detail, and then asked a few questions.

"Mr. Mu, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Mu Zhengbai answered truthfully.

The doctor listened and, after making a judgment, said to everyone, "Mr. Mu's condition is very good, and the drug effect has played a good role, but it will be more difficult in the early stage. If you support this, it will gradually improve.

The Yin family expressed gratitude to the doctor, who went out after speaking.

Mu Zhengbai also needs a meal after rest.

Mu Xiaoxiao insisted on staying with his father, even with his father to eat a bland nutritional meal.

The Yin family wanted to stay with them, but after Mu Zhengbai's persuasion, they left first.

Mu Zhengbai stayed with him almost two days after being hospitalized.

Until Mu Zhengbai was discharged from the hospital and returned to Yin's house, Mu Xiaoxiao was really relieved.

The first-stage medication is better than expected, then the second medication need not be too worried, and it will only get better and better in the future.

Mu Zhengbai continued to stay in Yin's house to recover.

Mu Xiaoxiao goes to class every day and goes home every day to accompany his father.

That weekend.

Rarely, Mu Xiaoxiao did not spend time with his father at home, but asked Han Qiqing to go out.

Han family.

As soon as Han Qiqing was dressed up to go out, he saw the housekeeper coming on with a smile and told her, "Miss Mu is here."

"Little is here?"

Han Qiqing jumped for a jump and ran over.

Sure enough, I saw Mu Xiaoxiao standing at the door.

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