Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2785: Worst case scenario (2)

Yin Shaojie squeezed her nose.

"Do you want me to leave you and return to China alone for Chinese New Year?"

Mu Xiao nodded.

Yin Shaojie pinched her again.

"Are you stupid? Don't you say you can't bear to leave me? You can take it this time?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "Reluctant to ..."

But what can I do?

You can't let him do it for her and deprive him of the right to spend the New Year with his family?

For Chinese people, Chinese New Year is reunion, the most important day of the year.

Yin Shaojie was not as tangled as her, and said with a smile, "Anyway, Chinese New Year is celebrated every year. It doesn't matter if you miss one year. Who keeps me from you?"

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard him say this, he felt guilty and warm.

Yin Shaoji asked, "So, you plan to return to the United States after completing the final exam?"

Mu Xiao nodded his head, "Well."

"Did you tell my parents?" Yin Shaomin thought of this problem. His family thought that their father and daughter would stay at Yin's family for Chinese New Year.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "I haven't said yet ..."

Yin Shaoxin sighed, "This is troublesome, my mother must be unhappy."

Hearing that Mu Xiaoxiao was worried.

"What then? How can you tell Mother Yin? I can't speak ..."

Yin Shao held her back and shook his head helplessly and said, "My mother is one thing, and grandpa is another thing. My mother called my grandfather before and mentioned you, and my mother said with great pleasure This year will take you back to the old house for Chinese New Year. "

Elders like to be small, and his grandpa is no exception.

When he heard that she was going to go back to the old house to celebrate the New Year, his grandpa didn't know how happy he was.

"Grandpa Yin? What should I do?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was even more worried.

She didn't know how to talk to Mother Yin, let alone Grandpa Yin.

Yin Shaojie is also very troublesome.

Mu Xiaoxiao said sadly, "I knew that I would discuss this with you before I finished the exam. Now I have three problems in front of me. How can I review ... I can't squeeze anything else into my mind."

"Three problems? Where do they come from?" Yin Shaoxu was puzzled.

Mu Xiaoxiao said with a finger, "Mother Yin, Grandpa Yin, and Qi Qing, I don't know how to tell Qi Qing that I want to go back to the United States to study, Qi Qing must be unhappy."

"So you will go out with her for a whole day today?" Yin Shaoxing suddenly understood her mind.

Mu Xiao nodded.

Yin Shaojie can think of it, Qi Qing likes to be with Xiaoxiao so much, knowing that Xiaoxiao will go back to the United States to study, and he can't be together every day in the future. It must be sad.

He sighed. "It's really three problems."

Mu Xiaoxiao dragged his collar. "Hurry up and help me find a way."

Yin Shaoji answered, "Okay, help you figure out a way."

But no matter how she tried, she still had to talk about it in the end. It would only make her sadder if she learned from other people.

Mu Xiaoxiao broke away from him, walked over to the bed and sat down, hugging his knees, and leaned on the bed.

"So annoying ..."

Yin Shaojiu walked over and looked at her with her arms around her waist.

"Don't worry, get up and review first. The most important thing now is the final exam."

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed.

"Why am I masochistic like this? I'm leaving, what else do I have to test ..."

Even if she gets a perfect score, it's useless.

Yin Shaoji laughed, "Don't you say, let everyone know you have the potential to be a hegemon?"

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