Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2786: Worst case scenario (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao bitterly, "Xue Ba is not good at all ..."

She finally understood how high the gold content of Lu Yichen was.

"What do you think?" Yin Shaoji teased her.

Although the review was hard, Mu Xiaoxiao did not think of giving up.

"Okay, come on! Keep going!"

Mu Xiaoxiao turned around and sat up, immediately becoming aggressive.

Yin Shaojie looked at her like this and smiled.


What Mu Xiaoxiao didn't expect was that Yin Shaoyun and Ma Yin were both able to solve these two big problems.

He talked to Mother Yin and said that Xiao Xiao and Mu Zhengbai were going back to the United States.

Mother Yin certainly wants to stay with them.

I don't know how Yin Shaojie told her mother, and finally she understood.

Grandpa Yin is more troublesome.

Because it was impossible to say that Mu Zhengbai was ill, Yin Shaojiu simply carried the pot on his own, saying that he was going to take Xiaoli abroad for the New Year, and he and Xiaoxiao had to live in a two-person world.

Yin Shaojiu also went back to the old house and explained it to Grandpa Yin.

Later, he was reportedly beaten by Grandpa Yin.

Two big problems were solved, and in the end Han Qiqing left a problem.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew how hard Qi Qing was reviewing for the final exam, and couldn't bear to distract her, so she planned to talk again after the exam.

Just two days before the exam, when everyone was focusing on the review, there were new hot spots on the forum.

This time the main character is still Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao also felt helpless, why did he become the mainstream center of gossip?

It seems that as long as she is about her, she will definitely become a hot spot.

This time the gossip was about her and Elizabeth.

Someone took a picture of her with Elizabeth, and she was particularly close, drinking coffee together, and shopping in her arms.

It's just that the person who broke the news this time was very clever and didn't dare to explode on the forum. Instead, it was posted on Weibo, which was posted a few days ago. Later, it was discovered and dug up. The screenshot was posted to the forum. The attention of the whole school students.

"The inside story of Mu Xiaoxiao's retirement, it turned out that she had already caught Elizabeth!"

"People are not convinced by this means? People who participate in the competition still have to pass five levels and cut six. Even if they enter the top ten last, they must also get into the eyes of Elizabeth before they can learn with Elizabeth. Do n’t come by the rules! Take shortcuts! "

"According to a reliable inside story, Mu Xiaoxiao has already worshiped Elizabeth as a teacher. Even if the person who wins the competition is most likely to learn with Elizabeth, it can only be counted as an apprentice. Mu Xiaoxiao is different. She worshiped Elizabeth as a teacher. This is A formal entry disciple, with such a high starting point, she will be mediocre in the art world in the future. Is this a height that I and other mortals can reach? "

"One more inside story. After the game, Mu Xiaoxiao will go to the United States with Elizabeth, and then he will confuse in the United States. Alas, I wo n’t accept anyone, so I will serve Mu Xiaoxiao! Look at people, civilians are born, first Catching up with Yin Shaoji, became Yin Shaoji's favorite girlfriend, and Shaoji gave up the entire forest for her, and also confessed that he only admired the little one in the future! Then look at the people that Mu Xiaoxiao later made friends with, four The big family will not talk about it, and the two brothers of Feng Shengyang, as well as the mayor's son Song Shijun ... Now through the step of the younger, she took Elizabeth and became an entry disciple of Elizabeth. "

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