Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2789: Lied to her (2)

Suddenly, Han Qiqing sympathized with these people.

Who is better than anyone?

Does she dare to compare with Xiaoxiao?

Because she knew from the moment she knew little. Little is the darling of heaven. Everyone wants to hold the best things in the world in front of her, of course, including herself.

After turning the reply in the post, Mu Xiaoxiao was helpless.

But now there are her hot posts on both sides for three days, no matter how small it is, she can always be cheered, and she is now used to it.

Han Qiqing asked her, "Would you like to explain it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, "Explain what? Explained today, something else will come up tomorrow, do I explain it? I am not alive for them. I do n’t bother to explain them."

"You can't let them talk nonsense." Han Qiqing looked at the reply, the tone was weird, and she looked angry.

Mu Xiaoxiao said calmly, "Don't be angry with them. What they say is nothing more than a reflection of their hearts. Others don't see it."

Han Qiqing nodded. "Indeed, look at these replies. The tone is sour, and I think it looks funny."

Those who are plainly discredited and secretly jealous are not as good as those who directly admit that they are jealous.

Mu Xiaoxiao wants to stop her from watching.

Suddenly, I don't know where a big hand came up, blocking Han Qiqing's mobile phone screen.

"You don't review it well, what are you doing watching these things? It's a waste of time."

Song Shijun's voice came from ahead.

Han Qiqing and Mu Xiaoxiao both looked up.

Song Shijun took a small look, turned his attention to Qi Qing, snatched her mobile phone, closed the forum page, and returned it to her.

"Don't look at this anymore, the exam will be the day after tomorrow, and quickly review."

Mu Xiaoxiao also said, "Yeah, ignore these people, the exam is the most important."

"That's right." Han Qiqing shrugged and put the phone away.

She looked at Song Shijun strangely. "Why are you here? Not in class?"

Song Shijun said to her, "Shaoyou finds something for me, so I'll come over. You go back to class and ring the bell.

Han Qiqing also asked what he wanted to ask, now he was relieved, and his attention returned to the review.

"That little, let's go back to class."

Mu Xiaoxiao said to her, "You go first, I say a few words to Yin Shaojie, and then go back later."

"All right, see you after school."

Han Qiqing left without thinking too much.

Mu Xiaoxiao waved her hand and looked at Song Shijun after she left.

She will stay because Song Shijun's eyes look strange.

Sure enough, I heard him ask, "Did you lie to her?"

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, "You ..."

He knows?

Song Shijun didn't meander, and said directly, "Shao Ye has already told me about what you are going to leave, and he told me that it was for me to help you find a way."

Compared with Han Qiqing's emotional affairs, Song Shijun is completely the opposite, he is rational.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked him anxiously, "Did you think of a way?"

Especially since she just lied to Qi Qing, this is even worse.

Song Shijun looked at her and sighed, "Did you just lie to her?"

Mu Xiao nodded.

Song Shijun said, "It would be miserable. You might as well tell her the truth directly. Although she would be very sad and would not let you go, at least you did not lie to her."

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