Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2790: Lied to her (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao was silent.

Suddenly I regretted it, and just lied, and lied.

Are you going to confess to Qi Qing now and lie to yourself?


Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. The mistake has already been caused, and it can only minimize the harm of things.

She said, "I'm just afraid that it will affect her final exam. She has worked so hard recently. If she knew ... I'm leaving, she must be very unhappy. What if the exam doesn't work well? I don't want her efforts to be wasted . "

Plus, she couldn't tell Qi Qing that her father was sick.

So she still hasn't figured out how to tell Qi Qing that she will go back to the United States to study.

"That's why you lied to her, and then waited for her to pass the test before telling her?" Song Shijun helped her continue.

Mu Xiaoxiao bowed his head.

Song Shijun also felt a headache. He squeezed his temples and said, "Hey, let me help you figure out a way ... don't think about it before you finish the test."

Mu Xiaoxiao responded, "Well, I'll leave it to you."

Song Shijun smiled bitterly, "Why did you throw such a problem on me ..."

"The one who is capable can do more." Mu Xiao praised him.

The forum's hot post, after heating up for a day, slowly subsided.

After all, near the final exam, even the big gossip must stand aside.

Time passed quickly, and it was the end of the final exam.

The entire Suntech students entered the examination state, and no one mentioned the forum.

Mu Xiaoxiao and his party also devoted themselves to the final exam.

Finish the last lesson.

The winding bell rang, and students were cheering in the classroom.

"Finally finished!"

"become free!"

"Dear winter vacation, here I am!"

Listening to the cheers in his ears, Mu Xiaoxiao also laughed, and his tense mood relaxed.

This is the first time she has taken the exam so seriously.

Although she didn't know how well she did, at least she worked hard, so she was satisfied no matter what the score was.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao's cell phone rang.

It was Han Qiqing's call.

Apparently, she has finished the exam.

"Little! To celebrate our exams, wait for dinner together!"

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it and agreed.

There is really no way to refuse.

So she had to call home and tell her dad that supper would eat with Qi Qing and they would not go home to eat.

She packed her things and walked out of the classroom. On the way, she could see everyone was very happy.

"Holiday! Chinese New Year! Great!"

"No matter how well it passes, vacation is the most important! Yeah!"

As he walked, Mu Xiaoxiao listened to the words shouting from the boys who flew past him, and couldn't help laughing.

Listening to these words, there is a sense of joy for the New Year.

Yeah, it's almost New Year ...

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed and couldn't help feeling sorry.

It's a pity she can't celebrate Chinese New Year.

On the school road, there were still some people who tore the book and littered it, and the whole state was crazy.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned as he looked at the paper all over the floor.

She couldn't bear it and reminded the man, "Hey, isn't it good for you to throw things like this? It will cause trouble to the cleaning aunt, can you pick it up?"

The boy glanced at her and ignored her.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised an eyebrow, took a quick step, walked in front of him, and stopped.

"I think the kindergarten teacher should have taught you not to litter? Can you pick it up?"

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