Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2818: She is mindless (3)

Song Shijun pointed at the table and said, "Do you remember him?"

"Who?" Han Qiqing looked in the direction he was pointing, and according to his prompts, he saw the man with glasses.

She stared for a minute, turned to look at Song Shijun, shook her head and said, "I don't remember, who is he?"

Song Shijun looked at her with amusement, "I should just ask you this."

"Me? I know that person again, how do I know who he is?" Han Qiqing looked stunned.

Song Shijun braced his cheeks and hugged her, "Don't you know? I clearly remember that once I bumped into you and had dinner with him, remember the previous time when we came here to eat with Xiaoxiao, I also mentioned this of."

"Are you there?" Han Qiqing blinked dumb eyes, searching for this memory in her head.

After searching, she shook her head. "No, I don't remember it."

Song Shijun laughed, thought of something, and picked up his car key.

A round wooden board with a cartoon pattern on his car key.

"Do you remember this?"

Han Qiqing stared at the thing very seriously, "This is the charm on your car key, haven't you used it for a long time?"

Song Shijun asked, "What then?"

Han Qiqing was puzzled. "What then."

Song Shijun was speechless, and directly announced the answer, "This is what you gave me, did you forget?"

"I gave it to you?" Han Qiqing himself was surprised, and looked at the ornament again, it seemed a bit impressed in the blur, "It seems to be ..."

Song Shijun realized, "I know what's wrong with you."

"Where?" Han Qiqing looked at him.

Song Shijun glanced at her and rudely said, "You have bad memory!"

Han Qiqing, "..."

I wanted to refute, but seemed unable to refute.

She said aggrieved, "How can I have a bad memory ... By the way, if I have a bad memory, can I still take the final exam so well? If you can do well, it means that I have a good memory!"

Song Shijun didn't think so, "You did a good job this time, thanks to your brother who gave you the key points? Otherwise, I will let you memorize the whole book. Do you remember it?"

Han Qiqing thought about it, and said, "I know! It's because I've tried too hard to review recently. My brain capacity is too high. In order to remember the content of the exam, I cleared out the previous memories. Yes, it must be!"

Song Shijun, "..."

Han Qiqing sighed and was very distressed.

"I really didn't want to be a school fighter ... It seems I have to take care of my brain for this winter vacation. It's really hard for me during this time."

Song Shijun looked at her quietly.

Han Qiqing is still talking to himself, "From today on, I don't think about anything, relax myself, relax my mind, and not think about complicated problems."

Song Shijun spoke habitually to her.

"Too complicated a problem, you can't think about it even with your IQ."

Han Qiqing stared at him.

She took a deep breath. "I don't know anything about you, I don't fight with you, it's too much of a brain."

Song Shijun just looked funny at her.

After they had eaten, they paid for it.

Song Shijun asked her if she wanted to go to the movies. It's still early.

Han Qiqing originally wanted to talk about it, but thought about it and shook his head.

"No, watching a movie takes my brain. I can't go to the movie. I want to rest my mind now."

Song Shijun, "..."

He couldn't help laughing and crying, "Let's choose a movie that doesn't bother us, shall we?"

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