Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2819: She is mindless (4)

"No." Han Qiqing still shook his head.

Song Shijun thought about it and sighed, "Yeah, any movie is a headache for you."

Han Qiqing glared at him.

Song Shijun pointed at her and reminded, "Don't stare at me, be careful."

Han Qiqing, "..."

Song Shijun asked, "Where do you want to go? Did you just go home like this?"

Han Qiqing was thinking about it, remembering that he couldn't bother, and shook his head so that he should not think about it.

"I don't want to, you think about it."

Song Shijun apparently didn't want to go home so early, and said, "Then just walk around."

Originally he wanted to watch a movie, and time was right.

Han Qiqing nodded. "You decide."

So they left the club.

In the car, Han Qiqing held his cheek and looked out the window, and found that the car was going in the opposite direction of the city center.

"Where are we going?" She asked casually.

Song Shijun intentionally said, "Sell you piglets."

Han Qiqing, "..."

Song Shijun laughed. "Aren't you trying to relax? I'll take you to relax."

Han Qiqing just couldn't help thinking about where he would take himself.


Where to relax?

As soon as I realized that I was thinking about things again.

She quickly shook her head.

Don't want to, don't think about anything, let yourself go.

Is he really afraid that he will sell himself a piglet?

how is this possible!

To Song Shijun, she is still 100% convinced.

Han Qiqing tried not to think of anything, closed his eyes and made himself daze.

The car was driving all the way, very quiet.

It was night, and the street lights on both sides were glowing with orange light.

Han Qiqing almost fell asleep.

She opened her eyes when she felt the car stopped.

Looking around, so dark.

"Where is this?"

Song Shijun said with a smile, "The top of the mountain."

"The top of the mountain? How did you get to the top of the mountain?" Han Qiqing was surprised. It was no wonder that the surroundings were dark. It turned out to be the top of the mountain.

Song Shijun said, "Isn't that saying to relax you?"

Han Qiqing wondered, "You just relax when you come to the top?"

"Ha, are you a problem baby? Don't ask so many questions, don't you think about nothing? Just relax and let yourself be empty, close your eyes." Song Shijun instructed.

Han Qiqing had to listen to him and closed his eyes.

Then she felt the seat recline.

She couldn't help wondering, what was he going to do?

"Don't think, don't think about anything." Song Shijun's voice came from overhead.

Han Qiqing put out his tongue in his heart.

Why can't she fix this problem?

Immediately, she heard the sound of the roof opening.

Today Song Shijun drove Yin Shao's car. Because it was a holiday, he borrowed Yin Shao's car. Anyway, as long as he didn't drive the car home, his family did not know what car he was driving.

"Well, open your eyes." Song Shijun's voice directed.

Han Qiqing opened her eyes, and a starry sky came into her eyes.


Song Shijun was also lying on the flat seat and said with a smile, "It looks good? Doesn't it feel relaxed?"

It is just that the weather has improved recently so that some stars can be seen in the sky, otherwise it is still very difficult to see the stars in a big city like A city.

Han Qiqing nodded and smiled.

"It looks good, the whole person is relaxed."

They lay side by side and looked straight into the night sky.

After a while, Song Shijun suddenly got up and said, "Yes, there is one more thing for you."

Han Qiqing is pleasantly surprised. Is it a gift?

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