Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2824: Sure enough, it is differential treatment (1)

Han Qiqing felt a little strange.

Generally, when her brother is at home, he spends more time in the study than in the bedroom, and of course he spends little time in the living room.

But she found that he had appeared more often in the living room in recent times.

The elder brother took a picture of the sofa next to him and said to her, "Sit over."

"Oh." Han Qiqing sat down obediently, worried a little bit about whether her brother was going to talk to her, so he put his hands on his knees with a good posture.

At this time, a servant brought the soup over.

"Miss, Tang Gang is hot, drink hot."

Han Qiqing looked at the soup in front of him and glanced at his brother.

He said, "Drink."

The maid explained with a smile, "It was the young master who ordered the soup for the lady, but unfortunately you did not eat out tonight."

Han Qiqing smelled the soup and it was so fragrant.

"What soup is this?"

The maid looked at the young master, but just smiled and didn't answer.

Han Qiqing had to look at his brother, "Brother, what kind of soup is this?"

He didn't look at her, but answered.


Han Qiqing, "..."

She couldn't help crying or laughing. Song Shijun complained that she had no brain and bad memory, and her brother cooked her brain soup again.

He said, "Drink."

The maid explained, "Miss, master, it's too hard and it takes your brain to see that you have been reviewing recently. That's why I made this soup for you."

Han Qiqing nodded. "I know I know, it's so fragrant. I knew that there was such a delicious soup, so I went home for dinner."

She said, holding up a bowl and drinking soup.

The maid smiled, and when she was done drinking, she took the bowl away.

After a while, it was another bowl.

"Miss, drink another bowl."

Han Qiqing, "..."

She is not a bucket.

She had drank a large cup of milk tea before and just drank another bowl of soup. She couldn't drink another bowl.

She asked sadly, "Can't I stop drinking?"

"This ..." The servant looked at the young master.

She also looked at her elder brother, with the light of prayer flowing in her eyes.

Her brother nodded.

The servant went on.

Han Qiqing was also relieved.

It was too late to check the time and she said to her brother, "Brother, I went to take a bath and went to bed. You go to bed earlier, so don't look at the documents to see that late."

He said, "Wait a minute."

Han Qiqing saw that he seemed to have something to say to her, and sat down nicely again.

"Brother, do you have anything to tell me?"


Han Qiqing waited.

He looked at her, and said in a cold voice, "Mom had called back before and said that it might take a few days to come back. The deadline is undecided, but he would come back a year ago."

He told her the original words.

After hearing that, Han Qiqing suddenly widened her eyes and filled her face with joy, "Mom and Dad are coming back? Really?"

He frowned at her and frowned.

"Isn't that said before?"

Han Qiqing frowned, "Are you there? No."

He said, "Yes."

Han Qiqing scratched his head. "Is there ... I don't remember much."

His brow frowned even deeper. "It looks like you need to replenish your brain and cook soup for you every night."

He just thought that she was too tired to read recently.

Han Qiqing was a little hesitant, "Oh, I'll obey the soup."

He said, "Well, take a shower."

"Oh!" Han Qiqing said good night to him and went upstairs.

Behind him, he looked at her back.

The next day.

I don't know if it was because of the tonic soup last night, Han Qiqing felt refreshed after getting up.

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