Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2825: Sure enough, it is differential treatment (2)

Full of energy, she leaned halfway to the bed and called Song Shijun.


Song Shijun's vague voice came from the other side of the phone, apparently not waking up.

Han Qiqing's voice was like an oriole. "You lazy pig, it's time to get up! Didn't you say you should go to the movies today?"

"What time is it now ..."

Han Qiqing looked at the time and said, "It's already seven o'clock!"

Song Shijun, "..."

After seeing no sound, Han Qiqing thought there was a problem with the call.

"Hey, can you hear me? It's seven! It's seven!"

"I heard it! Only seven o'clock, so early, don't make a noise, let me sleep again, I'll call you later ..."

After that, Song Shijun hung up.

Han Qiqing looked at the cut call in depression, and murmured, "Lazy pig!"

Obviously someone completely forgot, and how often can they sleep lazily.

However, since she was forced to review by her brother, she hasn't slept much during the weekends during this period, almost always going to bed early and getting up early.

It seems that going to bed early and getting up early is really good.

Han Qiqing stretched his waist and got up to wash.

After a while, I walked downstairs and ate for breakfast.

The maid smiled, "Miss, do you get up early today, don't you sleep a little longer?"

Han Qiqing said, "I'm full and don't want to sleep anymore. What's for breakfast today?"

The maid first took a glass of white liquid and put it in front of her.

"It's peach-core boiled milk. Miss, you have a drink first."

Han Qiqing, "..."

Brother, are you trying to carry out the action of "brain replenishment"?

But she still obeyed.

It tastes pretty good!

After breakfast, it was still early, and she went to the yard and planned to bask in the sun.

Who knows, as soon as the courtyard door was opened, a tall black shadow came up.

Han Qiqing was startled, looked at him, and was actually his brother.


Brother looked at her, "Get up so early?"

Han Qiqing is a little earlier than usual on weekends today.

She stared at the elder brother with a towel on his neck, in a sportswear, apparently just coming back from exercise.

"Brother, have you gone for a run?"

He responded softly, "Hm."

Han Qiqing didn't know that her brother used to run in the morning every day.

Take a look again, my brother is really handsome in this dark sportswear, especially after running, with sweat on his body, exuding a strong male hormone.

The clear light of the morning shone on his brother from behind, as if he had been surrounded by a layer of gold.

Han Qiqing's eyes were dull.

My brother asked, "Did you have breakfast?"

Han Qiqing blinked, "I have eaten ..."

"Well, you're already on vacation. You can sleep lazy if you want to sleep late." The brother said, bypassing her and entered the room.

Han Qiqing, who originally wanted to go out to the sun, followed him nicely.

He entered the house and went upstairs.

She followed, like the little tail behind him.

Going up to the second floor, almost to his room, he stopped suddenly.

Han Qiqing was caught off guard and nearly hit him.

He looked up and stared at his brother's cold black eyes.

"I'm going to the room to take a shower."

Han Qiqing turned back to God suddenly, only to reflect that he had done stupid things, and smiled awkwardly.

She twitched her fingers, and then remembered that her room was in front, and then pointed back with a sting, then turned quickly.

He looked at her silly back, her thin lips lifted.

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