Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2842: Do you know how cute you were just now? (3)

What happened temporarily?

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help being curious, but thought of Jun Zeye's identity, he simply gave up.

What Jun Zeye did was not something she should know.

Mu Xiaoxiao replied to him, "Then you are busy, we wait for you."

As soon as I looked up, I heard a squeak, the sound of emergency braking.

For a while, everyone's attention was accompanied by screams.

She was puzzled.

Did something happen?

Just on the road, people swarmed past, apparently driven by the nature of human gossip.

Several cars were parked in the middle of the road.

After a while, the already crowded road was blocked.

Based on the sound of the brake just now, I don't need to guess that it was a car accident.

Mu Xiaoxiao was looking for Yin Shaojiu across from him.

It was just that there were too many people, and she just covered the facade of the tea shop, so she couldn't find it.

Shouldn't it be Yin Shaojie?

Mu Xiaoxiao thought that Yin Shaojie's skill was so good that it was impossible to be hit by crossing the road.

No no, it must not be ...

I have been persuading myself, but I also feel uneasy.

She walked quickly towards the crowd.

With too many people around, she couldn't see what was going on in the center of the crowd.

She bypassed the crowd and walked to the door of the tea shop.

Because of the lively relationship, almost all the people who were still lining up at the entrance of the tea shop are gone now.

Looking around, she didn't find Yin Shaojie.

No, what about others?

Ask him to buy milk tea, why did he buy it and disappear?

Where did this guy go?

Is it ...

Mu Xiao's gaze fell on the crowd of people on the road, and he was disturbed.

It is impossible to think anything.

In order to find out, she had to look over.

However, the crowd was too crowded, three inside and three outside, let alone see the inside, and even the people inside could not understand what was said.

Vaguely, she seemed to hear a girl shouting "Good handsome good handsome good handsome", and she was very idiotic.

Mu Xiaoxiao's small heart jumped.

It won't be Yin Shaojie.

Definitely not.

She was determined, gritted her teeth, and desperately went into the crowd.

"Let a let, let a let!"

Before Mu Xiaoxiao squeezed into the middle, the sound of an ambulance came from a distance.

She stunned and looked at the ambulance coming from the side.

When she had an idea, she walked around, blocking others with her hands, and commanded, "Everyone let go, let the ambulance go in to save people!"

After two beeps, the onlookers consciously backed away.

Mu Xiaoxiao seized the opportunity and stunned it, like an arrow off the string, and ran in from the way.

Standing in the middle, she couldn't be more familiar with the tall figure.

It's really Yin Shaojie!

Mu Xiaoxiao's heart suddenly cooled down, feeling like blood was flowing backwards.

"Yin Shaoxing ..."

What happened to him, was he hit by a car?

It stands to reason that this should not be the case with his skills.

She didn't care about anyone else and ran quickly.

"Yin Shaoxing!"

Hearing her voice, Yin Shaowu turned his head.

Mu Xiaoxiao ran to him, grabbed his arm with his small hand, and said worriedly, "How are you? Where was it?"

Yin Shaoji said out loud, "Don't shake, don't shake."

Mu Xiaoxiao froze and looked down, only to discover that he was not alone.

There is a girl in his arms ...

Although he just supported the other's shoulder with his arm, the girl leaned almost on his right half.

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