Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2843: Do you know how cute you were just now? (4)

Even in such an unknown situation, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help it.

"What happened? She asked.

Yin Shaoxu looked at her sideways, and the good-looking Jian Mei frowned, explaining what had just happened.

"I was just going to find you. The car suddenly came out very quickly. I hid, but she didn't have time to hide."

He gestured at the girl who seemed to faint.

She was right in front of him and fell to his side, and he couldn't help it.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes fell on the girl's face that fainted. She was a pretty girl who was very fashionable.

She asked, "Did she get hit?"

Yin Shaoxu frowned and said, "I bumped into a bit, and maybe a little too frightened, and she passed out."

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered that the ambulance was coming, and quickly turned around to say hello to the ambulance personnel.

She didn't want to see Yin Shaojiu holding the girl all the time.

At this time, the ambulancemen got out of the ambulance and walked around.

Yin Shaoxing gave the girls to them.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "Is she okay?"

The ambulance staff did a simple check on the girl and replied, "There is no danger to life, but you need to check carefully to see if there are any internal injuries."

The girl was placed on a stretcher and was ready to be picked up in an ambulance.

Then she woke up.

The opened eyes had a startling look, and suddenly grabbed Yin Shaojiao's arm.


Yin Shaoxu pulled off the other's hand and said, "No need to thank."

The girl wanted to catch him and asked with a trembling voice, "Will you go with me to the hospital?"

Before waiting for Yin Shaojie to speak, Mu Xiaoxiao had jumped out and said, "Of course not!"

The girl froze and turned to look at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao said to the ambulance staff, "Hurry up and take her to the hospital. What if something happens? Hurry up."

Ambulance personnel have seen all kinds of people, and when they saw Yin Shaojie and Mu Xiaoxiao, they knew that they were not ordinary people.

So when Mu Xiaoxiao urged, the ambulance staff acted immediately and lifted the girl into the ambulance.

An ambulanceman came over hesitantly, and asked Yin Shaoxing, "It's the one you rescued. Do you want to follow up to the hospital?"

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly jumped out, waving his hand like a fly.

"If you don't go, we won't be free. You can take her to the hospital. If it's slow, what should you do?"

Ambulance staff,"……"

Although the girl was hit a bit, her life was not too serious.

Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to know what the ambulance staff was thinking, and said confidently, "What if she bleeds inside? Can you guarantee that she absolutely hasn't? You look at how beautiful the girl is, can you afford it if something goes wrong? Go to the hospital That is the priority. "

The ambulance staff was stunned by her, and couldn't answer half a word, so she had to return to the ambulance dimly.

Then the ambulance drove away.

A long arm hugs her, and someone with a magnetic voice says with a smile, "Do you know how cute you were?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "You are so cute!"

She pulled him back to where he stood before, complaining as he walked.

"I said that you would really attract butterflies. It seems that next time I will give you a make-up and make it ugly before going out."

Yin Shaojie smiled, "Which one do you dare to approach me?"

He likes to see her possessive of herself.

Mu Xiaoxiao stopped, looked back at him, raised his small chin, and said aggressively, "Well, even flies!"

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