Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2945: Who do you like now? (2)

She really didn't want to think about it.

She is homesick, so she didn't choose to go to high school.

She was so far away from home that she only returned home once a few months, and she was afraid she would not stand it.

But ... she wanted to go to the same university with Xiaoxiao.

Thinking of a problem, Han Qiqing smiled bitterly, "I want to study the same university with Xiaoxiao, but ... Xiaoying's grades are much better than mine. I won't necessarily be able to pass the university she entered, okay, Not necessarily, but basically hopeless. "

Therefore, don't even think about the desire to study at the same university with Xiaoxiao.

Song Shijun laughed. Although he wanted to comfort her, it was a fact.

He looked at her, "You know, I will go to college in the country, so ... you stay in the country, too, we can go to the same university."

There is another meaning in his words: don't leave me alone.

Han Qiqing hugged his head in annoyance. "Ah, ah, I don't want it anymore. I'm a sophomore now. I have more than a year before my senior year. Think about it later!"

Song Shijun didn't mention it cooperatively.

In the second half, it was quiet all the way.

Han Qiqing looked at the light flowing out of the window, and was a little bit surprised.

She suddenly said, "I have no feeling for Lu Yichen."

Song Shijun turned to look at her and responded softly, "Um."

Han Qiqing's fingers circled on the glass and said quietly, "I don't know what happened. I seemed to like him very much before, but ... I suddenly felt that feeling of like was gone."

Song Shijun said, "You didn't fit in the first place, and you don't like him anymore."

Han Qiqing tilted his head and looked at him, "So, you, don't think about matching me with him anymore, you are embarrassed to death today."

Song Shijun's mouth twitched, holding her, and teased, "I thought you were very happy."

She said, "Come on your head! I said before that I don't feel him, do you not believe me?"

Song Shijun didn't speak, and concentrated on driving.

After a while, he suddenly said, "Who do you like now?"

"Ah?" Han Qiqing froze, understood his words, and said, "I don't like anyone now ..."

The car reached the gate of the Han family.

Song Shijun stunned his horn, and the door slowly opened.

He drove in and parked at the door.

The maid came up and helped Han Qiqing drive the door. He stood side by side and said, "Miss, you are back."

Han Qiqing got out of the car and waved back to Song Shijun. "Bye, you drive on the road."

Song Shijun smiled slightly and left the Han house by car.

The wind is a bit strong at night.

Several servants shielded Han Qiqing from the wind and guarded her into the house.

Han Qiqing entered the living room, and looked subconsciously at the sofa.

It was just empty on the sofa.

It's not too late for her to return, it's over nine now.

As if noticing her eyes, the maid said, "Miss, you called and said you wouldn't go home for dinner, the young master went out, and he hasn't returned yet."

"Oh ..." Han Qiqing responded softly, walked over to the sofa, tossed himself onto the sofa, and lay lazily.

In my mind, I don't know why the words Song Shijun just asked sounded.

——Who do you like now?

Who does she like ...

Because of the smell of barbecue, Han Qiqing didn't want to go back to the room, he just wanted to lie on the sofa and spread the smell on his body.

Who knows, lying down and falling asleep.

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