Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2946: Who do you like now? (3)

How long has passed.

Vaguely, she felt lifted up and walked up calmly.

Han Qiqing opened his eyes stupidly, his little hand seemed to be dragging something, and his subconscious tightened again.

Her strength was noticed by those holding her.

"Awake?" A cold voice.

Han Qiqing recognized who he was almost immediately.

"Brother ..." murmured.

He responded softly, "Hm."

Han Qiqing ironed the temperature of his chest, feeling very relieved, his heavy eyelids moved and closed again.

Arrived in her room.

As he was about to be put on the bed, Han Qiqing suddenly opened his eyes and yanked his neckline.


He stared at her, asking softly, "What's wrong?"

Han Qiqing woke up this time, as soon as he looked up, he faced his brother Qingying Junya's face, and slammed into his deep black eyes.

She froze, realizing she was in her brother's arms, and could not help feeling a little embarrassed.

"Brother ... You put me down first."

He wanted to put her on the bed.

She hurriedly said, "No, I smell barbecue and I can't lie in bed."

"So you fell asleep on the sofa in the living room?" The corner of his mouth turned slightly.

Han Qiqing nodded.

He put her down.

Han Qiqing just woke up and was a little unstable, but fortunately, he didn't let go and his strong arm supported her.

She accidentally slammed onto his chest.

The nose bumped and it hurt.

He frowned. "Bumped?"

Han Qiqing nodded, his face wrinkled into a bun, his mouth squinted, and he looked aggrieved.

She touched her nose.

At this moment, the smell of a woman's perfume got into her nose.

She paused and looked up at her brother.


The perfume reminded her of Li Yizhen. Did her brother go to eat with Li Yizhen?

I don't know why, a bit upset.

Does my brother like that cosmetic woman?

Han Qiqing was a little depressed, and his forehead rested on his chest, not talking.

His big hand rested on her cheek, holding her little face up.

"Let me see ... Fortunately, there is no bleeding from the nose. Does it hurt?"

Looking at this brother who cares about himself, Han Qiqing couldn't help thinking, would the gentle side of the brother also show the Yi Yizhen?

Unpleasant emotions came to mind.

She shook her head and said, "I'm fine, brother, what time is it now? Why are you ... coming back so late?"

Brother won't go on a date with Li Yizhen, right?

He said, "Date with college classmates and talk a little late."

University classmates?

Han Qiqing was thinking about it. He looked at his brother and asked, "That ... is that the time we ate at Yushan, didn't we meet a friend of yours? That sister Li Yizhen, is she also a brother's college classmate?"


Hearing this answer, Han Qiqing was even more skeptical. His brother went to dinner with Li Yizhen tonight.

I don't know if she remembered it correctly. In the impression, it seems that my brother had a girlfriend in college?

So, Li Yizhen is really her ex-girlfriend?

This time Li Yizhen came to City A in order to continue the frontier with his brother?

Han Qiqing looked at his brother with a dull expression.

I would like to ask him if Li Yizhen is his ex-girlfriend. Does he still like Li Yizhen? Is he going to rekindle her old relationship?

But ... this is my brother's personal matter, and she doesn't seem to ask.

Wait, no!

If my brother and Li Yizhen are together again, then they will get married ...

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