Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2949: Introducing the wolf into the room (2)

The clerk's smile was stiff.

If the other party is an ordinary person, you can still do some work or find an excuse not to let go.

However, the other party also brought two servants. This is a rich lady, and her status is not low.

This look is not annoying.

The clerk was helpless, and in the end did not dare to entangle too much, so he retired to Han Qiqing.

Han Qiqing settled the matter and suddenly felt that everything was light and his spirits improved.

When she passed by a jewellery store, she went in and took a look when she was in a good mood.

I wanted to buy a bracelet or necklace for myself, to amuse myself, but I accidentally saw a diamond cufflink and suddenly felt good-looking, so I bought it.

Of course, she swiped her own card.

Her pocket money was suddenly less than half.

However, Han Qiqing was very happy, holding a small bag with cufflinks, and went home.

In the afternoon, Song Shijun called and asked if she was free at night.

Han Qiqing was sitting on the sofa in the living room, hugging the pillow and saying, "No time, stay at home at night."

She smiled at the small brocade box on the coffee table.

Song Shijun said, "Why stay at home? Come out and play. At night, I made an appointment with a few friends to compare cars, the ones who had barbecues last night. They entangled me and asked me to ask you."

Han Qiqing smiled and said, "If you don't go, I'm not interested in playing a car. You, be careful, don't break the new car of Ye Sijue."

He said, "Of course I will pay attention. This car is scratched a little, I can't afford it."

Han Qiqing was teased by his exaggerated tone, "You are the mayor, how can you not afford it?"

Song Shijun ‘hush’.

Han Qiqing smiled.

Song Shijun asked, "Are you really not going? Isn't this Chinese New Year? Many people are returning from other places, so it can be lively these days, don't you like to make fun?"

Strange, how did this girl's temperament change?

Han Qiqing was about to shake, but she insisted, "No more, there are so many people, you should pay attention to your own safety."

Song Shijun was a little hesitant. "If you don't want to go, just stay at home and grow mushrooms."

Han Qiqing laughed, "Okay, if I can grow a little longer, I'll send it to you and make chicken stew with mushrooms for you."

"I still have mushroom chowder!"

"Ah, I prefer to use mushrooms for grilling. It would have been nice if there were mushrooms on the grill yesterday."

"If you like, barbecue again in two days, they all like to play with you, if you know that I can't meet you tonight, I'll wait to beat you."

"Well, it's because they asked me?"

"I'm asking you. Can't you come out?"

Han Qiqing still persisted, shaking his head and saying, "Do not go or go, you go play, I am ready to start growing mushrooms."

Song Shijun laughed, "then slowly grow."

hang up the phone.

Han Qiqing looked at the door and muttered in his heart: Why hasn't my brother come home yet ...

It's getting dark outside, and their usual dinner time has long passed.

Is my brother eating out again?

Han Qiqing raised her cheeks in depression.

She looked up and asked the servant aside, "Have my brother called back to say that he won't come back for dinner tonight?"

The servant stood respectfully, shaking his head and saying, "No."

Han Qiqing was unhappy holding the pillow.

The steward came over and asked, "Miss, it's almost eight o'clock. Would you like to have dinner first?"

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