Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2950: Introducing the wolf into the room (3)

Han Qiqing said, "Don't eat."

The steward saw that she was holding her breath, and she let out her voice and said, "The young master does n’t call back every time to notify him. In addition, when the Chinese New Year is approaching, many young masters come back. Come on, lest you be hungry. "

Han Qiqing supported his chin on the pillow, and said angrily, "Hungry is hungry. No one hurts me anyway."

She is being ignored by her parents, and her brother doesn't hurt.

The steward couldn't help crying. "Miss, otherwise, you call the young master? Ask him if he's eating out."

Han Qiqing snorted. "No, I won't."

"This ... otherwise I fight?" The housekeeper hesitated.

Han Qiqing did not answer.

The housekeeper knew what she meant, and the maid took the extension and called the young master.

As soon as the phone aired, I heard a familiar ringtone ringing at the door.

It's the ring back tone of my brother's cell phone.

He is back?

Han Qiqing suddenly stretched his head and looked at the door.

The steward also smiled.

At this moment, the door opened and a slender figure came in.

"Brother ..." As soon as Han Qiqing was about to speak, he saw Li Yizhen followed.

She suddenly lowered her eyes.

Brother brought Li Yizhen back?

Han Qiqing had a feeling of being hit and was unhappy.

Li Yizhen came in, saw Han Qiqing, and smiled softly to greet her, "Xiao Qing, we have met again. Sorry, I have to bother you in recent days."

Han Qiqing looked at the question mark, "What do you mean?"

Then she saw the driver behind her, dragging a suitcase in her hand.

This suitcase is not ...

A ridiculous guess emerged in my heart, making Han Qiqing's face a little black.

Don't, don't do this!

The steward greeted him, looked at the suitcase in the driver's hand, and said, "Master, is this lady going to stay at home temporarily?"

He nodded. "Well, arrange a room for her."

Hearing the answer he didn't want to hear, Han Qiqing had a feeling of collapse and jumped up.

"What? Why does she live in our house?"

She can't accept it.

She doesn't accept it!

Li Yizhen is not too poor to have a place to live, why should he come to live with them?

Her brother's eyes fell on her, and she said quietly, "Let's have dinner first."

Han Qiqing, who had been waiting for him to come back for dinner, lost his appetite.

Li Yizhen smiled and walked to her side, lovingly holding her hand, "Xiao Qing ..."

Han Qiqing had a small face, so he avoided it.

She didn't seem to see Li Yizhen and went straight to her brother.

"Brother ..." she called aggrieved.

It's all about Chinese New Year. Why should an outsider live in the house?

She didn't understand and felt very unreasonable.

The only thing I can think of is that Li Yizhen is his ex-girlfriend, and the two have already reunited.

So, her brother is bringing his girlfriend home. Would you like to introduce it to his family?

Han Qiqing did not like Li Yizhen, so she could not accept the result.

Why is it this woman?

Her brother is so good, so handsome, so capable. What woman does she want? Why do she like this woman?

Han Qiqing is so angry!

She really doesn't understand. Where is Li Yizhen? She can make her brother like it.

In her opinion, an extremely good woman must be worthy of her brother.

Her brother looked at her and said, "Let's eat first."

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