Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2954: He doesn't hurt her anymore (3)

Han Qiqing raised his cheeks.

But she did have a dry mouth, so she compromised to drink.

After a few minutes, the nurse came in to give her a needle and infusion, and took her temperature to remind her again to drink more water.

When you have a fever, you are afraid of high fever and you will not get fever again, so you must drink plenty of water.

Song Shijun asked the nurse, and the nurse went out.

Han Qiqing just moved a comfortable position and leaned in, and a cup appeared in front of her.

Song Shijun said, "Drink plenty of water."

Han Qiqing gave him a glance, and gave a helpless snoring, took the cup to drink water.

After half an hour, he poured her water again.

Han Qiqing just wanted to cry, "Are you taking me as a bucket?"

Song Shijun looked at her spirit as if he was much better, reached out and checked her temperature, and smiled, "Drinking water seems to be useful, you have burned a lot, and you should be able to completely reduce the fever after the infusion."

Han Qiqing pointed at the infusion bottle and said, "Why don't you say that infusion is useful?"

Song Shijun did not continue to argue with her about this issue.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

From time to time, Han Qiqing didn't know what he was thinking. When he heard his question, he looked up and thought, "I'm a little hungry, I want to eat ... sweet things."

Song Shijun said, "Then I'll buy some sugar for you? Maybe you can drink the sugar?"

It is now time for afternoon tea.

Han Qiqing said, "When you go out, ask the nurse, after all, don't buy porridge, I don't want to drink porridge."

Song Shijun bowed his head and got up from the chair.

"Then I'm going out. You stay well, don't run around."

Han Qiqing responded with perfunctory, "I know, I know, you go quickly and buy me some dessert."

"Um." Song Shijun took the coat and went out.

Han Qiqing leaned on the bedside and looked at the drip of the infusion.

The sound of opening the door suddenly came.

She thought it was Song Shijun who had forgotten what came back, and was trying to ridicule him, but turned around, but found that it was Li Yizhen.

The corner of Han Qiqing's mouth that he wanted to raise immediately dropped.

Li Yizhen held a bouquet of flowers in her hand, came over with a smile, and handed her the flowers.

"Xiao Qing, sorry, I have something, so I'm late."

Han Qiqing didn't want to pick her up, and turned her head to signal her to put the flowers aside.

"Where is my brother?" He asked unconsciously as soon as he began.

Li Yizhen smiled, "He should be working, it's all right, I will take care of you."

Han Qiqing didn't need her to take care of her. She had Shijun.

Li Yizhen was sitting by the bed and pulled her hands affectionately.

Han Qiqing frowned in disgust.

This woman has so many plays, as if she is really her sister.

Li Yizhen looked at her pale face and said distressedly, "When I was sick, I was worried about death. Fortunately, it ’s okay, you, it's too embarrassing. In the morning, the servant saw that you were uncomfortable and told you Call a doctor, and you do n’t want to. If you call a doctor early, you won't be so serious. "

Han Qiqing pulled back his hands expressionlessly.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Listening to this woman's fake words really made her unbearable.

Li Yizhen looked at her and suddenly reached out to explore her head.

Han Qiqing hid in disgust, "What are you doing?"

Li Yizhen smiled slightly. "I see your face is a little red. I want to know if you have a fever, so I can tell your brother so he doesn't worry."

Han Qiqing's heart sank.

Her brother was worried about her, so she should come and see her instead of letting this woman talk?

What does this mean?

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