Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2955: He doesn't hurt her anymore (4)

Originally, her brother didn't take care of her in the hospital and didn't come to see her. She only looked at her work and she was very unhappy.

Brother Mingming treated her well before ...

Han Qiqing didn't understand. How did my brother change? It doesn't seem to hurt her.

Is it because of having a girlfriend that your mind is on your girlfriend?

Han Qiqing thought about this, and felt very uncomfortable.

The more you think about it, the harder it gets.

Li Yizhen saw the grievances appearing in her eyes, and smiled secretly, but did not comfort her.

"Xiao Qing, I don't know what fruit you like to eat, so I just bought some, which one do you want, I will cut it for you."

Han Qiqing didn't want to see her, and because of her sick relationship, she was not in good spirits, so she didn't hide her attitude.

"I don't want to eat, you go back, I'll take care of you, you don't have to worry."

What she wants most now is the care of her brother, not this woman.

Li Yizhen turned a deaf ear to her words and went to wash with fruit.

After washing, put it on a plate and bring it to her.

"Xiao Qing, you have some fruit."

Han Qiqing frowned. "I said I don't want to eat."

"Eat something, you need to add water." Li Yizhen had to pass it to her, and the water stains on the bottom of the plate got on Han Qiqing.

Han Qiqing was very upset and wanted to break out.

"I said, I don't want to eat."

Is this woman deaf?

Didn't hear what she said?

Does she speak alien languages, does this woman not understand!

Li Yizhen wasn't angry with her tone. An understanding expression said, "Well, do n’t eat if you do n’t eat. You are sick and uncomfortable. If you want to lose your temper, it ’s okay. My sister does n’t mind.

Han Qiqing rolled his eyes.

If it hadn't been for her good education, she would have bombed this annoying woman out.

"I want to be quiet now, you go home first," she said angrily.

She just wanted Li Yizhen to disappear from her.

Li Yizhen nibbled a strawberry into her mouth with her fingernails painted in delicate nails, and said softly, "Well, then you have a good rest in the hospital. Wait for your brother to get off work at night, and we will pick you up home."

This made Han Qiqing very uncomfortable.

Li Yizhen ate another strawberry and told her, "This strawberry is very fresh and sweet. If you eat more, I will go first."

She got up and went out.

"Wait." Behind him, Han Qiqing suddenly called her.

Han Qiqing stared at her nails, remembering yesterday, it seems that they are not the same model.

In other words, what Li Yizhen said was to do nail art?

Han Qiqing hesitated twice in his heart.

Li Yizhen looked back at her, "Xiao Qing, are you doing anything?"

Han Qiqing slid his lips and asked her, "The clothes you bought for me before, I took them back. Did they return the money to you?"

Li Yizhen showed a confused expression and shook her head. "No, I haven't received the refund information."

Han Qiqing narrowed his eyes.


Is that store's return processing so slow?

Li Yizhen said, "Xiao Qing, those clothes were given to you by me. You don't have to return them. Don't you treat me like this if you don't?

Han Qiqing, "..."

You are not an outsider who are you

She said, "Okay, it's okay, you pay attention to the refund information, or go to the store to ask."

Li Yizhen nodded and said, "I see. If you don't like those clothes, then I will take you to buy another one next time."

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