Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2956: Want him to spoil her only (1)

"No need." Han Qiqing just wanted her to leave quickly.

Li Yizhen didn't stay too much, and said a few words to her before leaving.

The ward was quiet again.

Han Qiqing finally understands why some patients need to be recuperated. Some people really affect their mood too much.

She felt that her temperature was about to drop, because Li Yizhen's interruption seemed to have a rising trend.

After about half an hour.

Song Shijun returned to the ward.

He put his bag down and went to pour water on Han Qiqing.

"Qiqing, get up and drink water."

Han Qiqing rose up in a hazy mood, holding a cup to drink water.

"Wait." Song Shijun noticed that her situation wasn't right, and reached out her hand to explore her forehead.

Han Qiqing shook his head confusedly, "I don't know ..."

No, she knows.

It's because of Li Yizhen.

Sure enough, she didn't agree with Li Yizhen, who was her disaster star.

Song Shijun was so worried that he called a nurse quickly.

The nurse was anxious when she saw the situation and hurried out to call the doctor.

When the doctor came over, she refilled her medicine.

"It's like having a high fever over and over again. It's best to be hospitalized tonight."

Han Qiqing shook his head when he heard it, resolutely refused, "No, I want to go home, I don't want to stay in the hospital."

One thing is that she really doesn't like staying in hospital.

Second, she didn't want her brother and Li Yizhen to be alone at home.

The doctor told her a dangerous situation, but Han Qiqing couldn't listen.

Song Shijun listened very carefully. After sending the doctor out, he told her, "I'll be with you tonight."

Han Qiqing persisted, "No, I want to be discharged."

Song Shijun poured warm water for her again, and looked at her while sitting on the edge of the bed, and said helplessly, "You haven't returned the burn, how did you get discharged?

Han Qiqing said, "Wait back later."

She looked at the glass of water in his hand, suddenly snatched it up, and muttered a glass of water.

"Fill me again."

Song Shijun did not do so, put the cup on the table, "wait and drink."

Han Qiqing said, "You pour me water! Didn't the nurse say that I should drink more water? I can drink less water to reduce my fever."

Song Shijun certainly knew what she was thinking, but it didn't go as she wished.

"Drinking water isn't like that, wait a minute."

Han Qiqing was upset, and he did not follow her, which made her even more uncomfortable.

"I want water! You pour water for me! Otherwise I pour it myself!"

Song Shijun held her in her arms, and she really took her for granted. She was afraid she would get out of the hospital bed, so she had to give her another glass.

"Drink, but after drinking this cup, it will take a while before you can drink it again."

Han Qiqing looked at the water in the glass.

There is no cup, no half a cup.

Deceive her as a child?

But she knew that Song Shijun saw that she was playing with her temper, so she followed her in this way to make her comfortable.

Han Qiqing is like a cat that has been shaved, and has not drank water while holding his water, and his temper has disappeared.

Seeing this, Song Shijun smiled.

After a while, the nurse came in and changed the infusion bottle.

Song Shijun then spoke, opened the bag and asked her, "I bought a few syrups and desserts, and see which one you want."

Han Qiqing said, "anywhere."

Song Shijun thought about it and handed her the syrup of Tremella fuciformis.

"This is good for the throat. You have a fever. Your throat is a little bit inflamed. Drink this."

Han Qiqing held a disposable plastic bowl and drank slowly with a spoon.

The syrup is delicious and sweet.

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