Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2969: She has never seen such a shameless person! (2)

Fortunately, Li Yizhen just rectified it for two seconds.

Otherwise, Han Qiqing will be soaring.

Want to rush over and sweep this shameless woman out the door.

Han Qiqing imagined that Li Yizhen was driven out with a broom.

It feels cool to think about it.

Seeing that his brother was going out, Han Qiqing put down his spoon and ran quickly.


He was holding her.

Han Qiqing came to him and said with a smile, "Brother, work hard."

His cold black eyes seemed to have a smile floating on his head and said, "Well, you take medicine well."

Han Qiqing nodded, "I will!"

In her deliberate remarks, Li Yizhen had no chance to talk, and she had already sent her brother out.

When she finished sending her brother and returned to the living room, Li Yizhen was no longer there, probably going upstairs angrily.

Han Qiqing sat on the sofa, and the servant brought warm water and told her to take medicine.

She frowned and said, "Can't you eat it?"

Anyway, her brother is not here, is she the owner of this house now?

She said not to eat, who dare to force her to eat?

However, the housekeeper stood aside and reminded with a smile, "Miss, you should take the medicine quickly, or I won't explain it later when the young master calls.

Han Qiqing, "..."

She had forgotten that.

What else can I do?

I can only take medicine obediently.

The smell of the pill rushing out of her mouth made her look emaciated.

The steward waited, and when she finished taking the medicine, she offered a candy.

Han Qiqing held the candy in his mouth, and the cheek team was ejected by a round candy with a small round bump.

She stared at the table of the coffee table.

A picture flickered through my mind ...

Before she could see the picture clearly, her cell phone suddenly rang.

It was Shijun.

Han Qiqing answered the caller ID at a glance.

"Hey, Qiqing, are you better today?"

Han Qiqing touched his nose dimly, "Uh ... much better."

After meeting the man yesterday, she suddenly said that she was not comfortable, and didn't even enter the box, so she hurried home.

Song Shijun was not assured of her, but of course she sent her home.

In the car, Han Qiqing still had to work hard to discomfort and didn't know if he could lie to him.

On the other side of the phone, Song Shijun asked, "What happened to you yesterday?"

Han Qiqing, "..."

This was the last question she wanted to hear!

She didn't answer, Song Shijun continued to ask, "That man, what's your relationship with him?"

Han Qiqing, "..."

It was also a question she didn't want to hear!

Han Qiqing felt a headache and sighed, "Oh, don't ask ..."

Song Shijun said, "I'm a bit impressed by that man. Before Si Jue said that he had met you to eat with him, and that I met you last time, right?"

His memory is very good, not as bad as someone's.

"Have you? No, don't you?" Han Qiqing didn't know if he was pretending to be stupid or didn't remember.

Song Shijun said calmly, "I don't force you if you don't want to say it, but I was a little worried just because you suddenly said that you were upset yesterday."

Han Qiqing answered him with a laugh, "I'm fine, today is much better."

In addition to dreaming of a ghost press.

Song Shijun asked, "Did you have breakfast?"

"have eaten."

"What about medicine? Did you take it?"

Han Qiqing nodded. "I ate it. I just ate it. I ’m good at taking medicine. Will my own body make fun of me?"

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