Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2970: She has never seen such a shameless person! (3)

Someone apparently forgot that he just didn't want to take medicine.

While chatting with Song Shijun, she was playing with things on the coffee table.

Suddenly she screamed.


Song Shijun wondered, "What's wrong?"

Han Qiqing stared in panic, "What about my gift? What I bought! I remember ... I put it on the coffee table!"

Then she remembered that she bought the cufflinks for her brother that day, and she put them on the coffee table as if she had forgotten to take them.

She completely forgot about it afterwards ...

Song Shijun asked, "Your things are missing?"

Han Qiqing was so anxious that he almost turned the coffee table over.

"I remember correctly, I put it on the coffee table ... I remember I didn't take it upstairs, what about things? My things!"

Song Shijun reassured, "Don't worry, what's lost? Find it slowly, you won't lose what you put in the house, you may have forgotten where you left it."

"Don't forget, I put it on the coffee table, I remember! I just forgot to take it upstairs, hey, how could I forget such an important thing!" Han Qiqing patted his forehead in depression.

She bought cufflinks that day and gave them to her brother when she planned to return.


Later, my brother took Li Yizhen home, and she was so angry that she forgot about the cufflinks.

Now I think back.

But there is no small box on the coffee table.

Song Shijun said, "You ask the maid, it may be put away for you."

The words awakened the dreamer.


Han Qiqing hurriedly called for a servant, pointing at the coffee table and asking, "I put a small brocade box on the coffee table before. Who are you packed?"

The servant looked at each other, all blank.

"Miss ... I don't see any boxes."

"I didn't see it either."

"I do not have either."

Han Qiqing, "..."

Everyone said that she did not see the brocade box, did not take it away, did her brocade box disappear out of thin air?

how is this possible!

The steward felt the situation was serious, stood next to her, frowning and asked, "Miss, think again, did you put it back in the room and forget where you put it?"

The domestic servants are carefully selected and trained, and it is impossible to steal things, which is a taboo.

Han Qiqing has a headache.

Song Shijun also heard the housekeeper's words on her mobile phone and said to her, "You have such a bad memory lately, maybe you really forgot where you put it. Go back to your room to find it."

Han Qiqing sighed and said, "Maybe ... then I'll hang up."

"Well, find out and tell me."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qiqing hurriedly went upstairs.

But she almost rummaged through the room and still couldn't find the small brocade box.

That box is also relatively small, about the same size as the ring box, so it is a bit difficult to find.

She just lifted the carpet and found it.

I didn't know how long.

Han Qiqing was so tired and sweaty that he fell down on the sofa and looked around the room in confusion.

"Where? Where is it ..."

Now she has vague memories, and she can't determine whether she forgot to put it on the coffee table, or if she really took it, and where to put it.

"Why can't I remember ..."

Han Qiqing tapped his head anxiously, accidentally exerting a bit of force, and frowned angrily.

How to do……

She lost the gift she bought for her brother.

The mood is not just frustrated, Han Qiqing also feels very useless.

Although this price is nothing to the Han family, if you lose it, you lose it.

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