Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2977: Qi Qing's Secret (2)

The housekeeper was in a difficult position.

This promotes the face of the Han family, which he really cannot afford.

So if he asked Li Yizhen to get out of the car again, he couldn't say.

Li Yizhen looked at Han Qiqing, saw her not talking, smiled and said, "Look, your lady doesn't mind, isn't it just a car? Which one is different? Drive, I'm in a hurry."

The driver looked embarrassed at the housekeeper.

The housekeeper couldn't handle it, so he nodded to the driver.

Bentley bypassed the Mercedes in front and opened the Korean door.

The steward then turned around and said sorry to Han Qiqing on the side, "Miss, I'll re-arrange a car for you ..."

"No need, this one will do." Han Qiqing said.

She isn't stupid, and she can see that Li Yizhen deliberately grabbed her a car, and she was unhappy about it, but she didn't want to conflict with Li Yizhen for the time being.

Not just a car?

She has never been in a good car.

Li Yizhen may have never sat before, and it was strange to think about it, she would respect the old and let her let her go.

Han Qiqing walked towards the Mercedes ahead.

This Mercedes is actually not bad, it is a high-end version, and the space in the car is very comfortable.

She got in the car and said to the driver, "Drive."

The steward and servant stood behind the car and watched her respectfully.

In the car.

Han Qiqing left Li Yizhen behind for a while, she was thinking about the man.

I don't know why, the more she thought about it, the more she knew the other party.

Moreover, it felt as if the other party had some extraordinary relationship with her.

Reach the address given by the other party.

Han Qiqing stood in front of a high-rise building, wondering why, she stopped suddenly.

In my heart, I felt intimidated.

She looked timidly at the door, as if there were monsters in it, which made her discouraged.

She didn't understand why she was so ... scared?

Yes, she was afraid.

My heart even trembled slightly.

Hesitating whether it was time to move forward or back, her cell phone rang.

She picked up her cell phone and saw a strange call.

It's that man's number.

She answered.

"Miss Han, I saw you at the door. Don't think about it. Don't be afraid. Come on."

His voice was deep and sweet, as if with soothing magic.

Han Qiqing pursed his lips, gathered courage, and went in.

At the address he gave, she went up to the tenth floor.

It looks like a high-end business building, and people looking in and out are smart and capable.

What Han Qiqing did not expect was that when the elevator reached the tenth floor, she met the Miss Li yesterday.

Compared to her who lost control yesterday, today, she looks normal, exuding the temperament of elites.

Miss Li seemed to recognize her and smiled slightly at her.

However, she did not take the initiative to talk to her.

Han Qiqing couldn't help but be curious. The other side looked good. Was it as expected and was with that man?

After all, it's very impolite to look at others all the time, so she only glanced at her, quickly retracted her eyes, walked out of the elevator, and walked in any direction.

"and many more."

At this time, the other side stopped her with a loud voice.

Han Qiqing stopped and looked back at her.

The other person pointed in the other direction and said, "You are wrong, this is the right way."

Han Qiqing looked puzzled.

"If you're here to find ... I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk to you, you'll think you didn't see me, goodbye."

The other party coughed, as if feeling rude, and quickly stepped into the elevator.

The elevator doors closed slowly.

Han Qiqing stood for a while and stood still.

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