Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2978: Qi Qing's Secret (3)

She thought, the other party should know she came to the man, right?

So she walked in the direction the other party was pointing.

Sure enough, he found the address the man said.

There was a sign hanging outside, which said-XX Psychological Clinic.

Han Qiqing's heart moved slightly.

Psychological clinic?

So, that man is a psychologist?

No wonder she always feels that the other party's voice is very good, and she speaks in a gentle tone, giving people a very comfortable and relaxed feeling.

I was a little worried that the other party would be a bad person or something.

A little relief now.

She pushed the door and walked in.

To her surprise, no one was at the front desk.

At this time, a voice rang from the side, "Miss Han, don't worry, I have already opened everyone else, and no one knows that you are here."

Han Qiqing turned his head and looked at the man coming out of the room. The other person wore gold-rimmed glasses and was gentle and elegant.


What she wanted to ask.

He came to her and suddenly said to her, "It's been a long time."

Han Qiqing froze and asked, "Have we met before?"

The same conversation happened yesterday.

Upon hearing her answer, the man's eyes lightened slightly and he said, "Miss Han, under normal circumstances, you should not know me."

Hearing that Han Qiqing was confused and could not understand what he meant.

"What do you mean? Do I know you or don't I know you?"

What does it mean under normal circumstances?

The man met her eyes and asked calmly, "Have you remembered who I am and what's my name?"

Han Qiqing just wanted to shake his head, his heart was shaken, something crossed his mind.

She stared blankly and blurted out, "You are ... smell the doctor ..."

The man nodded and said quietly, "Well, what else? What else do you remember?"

"I ... I ..." Han Qiqing was completely confused, she didn't know what was going on, why she suddenly thought of the man's name, why her mind seemed to be a movie, and she quickly turned a lot of pictures .

What exactly is going on?

The man solemnly said, "Miss Han, I'm your psychiatrist."

Han Qiqing took a deep breath. "Psychologist? I haven't seen a psychologist ..."

No, she seems to have.

She seems to have seen a psychologist.

But she forgot.

The man saw her tightness and said slowly, "You relax yourself first, don't think about anything, I will tell you what you want to know next."

Under the leadership of the other party, Han Qiqing followed him into the room.

This is a very comfortable room. It is dominated by brown and has a bookcase with a whole wall. Come closer, as if you can smell the book.

Dr. Wen said, "Miss Han, you sit here."

Han Qiqing sat on the sofa pointed to by the other party.

"Want to drink tea?"

She shook her head.

Doctor Wen still brewed tea and set it aside on the coffee table.

袅袅 The hot air wafted upwards and could gradually smell the faint tea.

Han Qiqing felt the tension was relieved.

"Smell doctor, can you tell me clearly? What's going on?"

Doctor Wen looked at her and said, "I'll ask you a few questions first to determine your current condition."

Han Qiqing nodded, "OK, you ask."

She was now anxiously wondering what was going on in all this.

He asked, "Did you have a bad memory recently and often forget things?"

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