Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2990: Do you believe me or do you believe her? (3)

Han Qiqing walked into the room, and every time he took a step, his heart beat.

Very nervous and panic.

My heart beats fast.

Just waiting for her to look over to the living room, she didn't see the figure concerned about her.

Inexplicably, there was another loss.

The steward greeted him and said, "Master hasn't come back yet, ma'am, do you want to have dinner first?"

Han Qiqing glanced at him and asked, "Where is Li Yizhen?"

The steward said, "Ms. Li just came back not long after, in the guest room."

Say everyone is coming, talk about ghosts coming.

Li Yizhen walked down on the cotton tug and walked unassuming, twisting her waist like a catwalk.

"Xiao Qing, are you back? Why did you come back so late?"

Han Qiqing didn't want to look at her when she saw it.

This is her home.

When will she come back and still need to explain to an outsider?

Han Qiqing didn't answer her, went to the sofa and sat down.

Li Yizhen walked to her and sat on the single sofa.

At this moment, a maid brought a bowl over, "Miss Li, your bird's nest."

Li Yizhen smiled and said to Han Qiqing, "I bought the bird's nest. What is the price, do you want to drink?"

Han Qiqing couldn't help but glanced at her sideways.

This woman is really shameless and treats other people's homes as if she were her own servants.

She said blankly, "Things like bird's nest are deceiving three-year-olds. They have no beauty function at all, and they do not have such high nutritional value."

Li Yizhen smiled indifferently and said, "I'm so pretty, and I don't need to use it for beauty, I just like its taste."

Han Qiqing glanced over her finger holding the bowl and found that she changed her nails again.

It seems that this woman is doing beauty treatment again today.

She really didn't want to be in the same space as this woman, so she got up and left.

Li Yizhen said, "Xiao Qing, don't you drink it? I specially made the kitchen a lot, so don't be embarrassed, and be so kind with me."

This tone, as if she was the hostess of this house.

Han Qiqing was angry at the thought of cufflinks.

This woman is so pretentious that it makes her nauseous to face her.

She stood up, stroked her chest and said, "I want to vomit, I can't eat."

Talking, she went upstairs.

Li Yizhen didn't stop her this time, enjoying her bird's nest leisurely.

Han Qiqing returned to the room and threw himself on the bed.

My heart is heavy.

She took out her cell phone, sent Song Shijun a message, and asked him how things were going.

She didn't want to see Li Yizhen again.

So she had to expose Li Yizhen's stealing as soon as possible, so that she had an excuse to drive the woman away.

Song Shijun quickly replied to her.

"You're home?"

Han Qiqing was holding a mobile phone and typing, "Well, you hurry up and say how it went, I can't wait to kick her out with a broom now, and don't want to wait for a moment."

Song Shijun laughed and sent a smiley face that made her calm.

"I watched the surveillance video because there are only the outside and the corridor, so I don't see anything suspicious for the time being, but you can rest assured that I will continue to check."

Seeing this sentence, Han Qiqing was disappointed.

"It's almost New Year's Day, and she still depends on her family's home. Will she not plan to spend Chinese New Year in my house? How can there be such a person, shameless!"

Thinking of this possibility, she was annoyed.

Rare Chinese New Year, she wants to live happily, so she does not want to have an outsider at home.

Still a woman who obstructed her eyes everywhere and had a bad heart for her brother.

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