Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2991: Do you believe me or do you believe her? (4)

Song Shijun said, "Tell your brother, you can't really let her spend the New Year in your house, isn't it? This is the basic courtesy, won't the woman understand?"

Han Qiqing said coldly, "She didn't understand, she did it on purpose."

Maybe Li Yizhen just wanted to stay at her house. When her parents came back, she could marry into their Korean family smoothly while attacking her parents and her brother.

Han Qiqing frowned, only to feel that his heart was crushed by a large stone, and his heart was uncomfortable.

"Shijun ... Hurry up and save me. I really don't want to see this woman. The few days she came to my house, I didn't have a good day."

"I know, I'll help you find a way, you endure her first."

"Can't bear it, she's too shameless."

Han Qiqing was lying on the bed, and after imagining, even if it was not Li Yizhen, she would be another woman. Her brother would always get married, and then take the other woman home ...

There was a tear in her heart and she didn't want to imagine it anymore.

The corner of his eyes burst into tears unconsciously.

If that's the case, what should she do? She couldn't stay in this home.

叩叩 ——

Vaguely, there seemed to be a knock on the door.

But Han Qiqing did not notice that she was immersed in her emotions.

A dark shadow enveloped her on the bed, and the slender fingers popping up from nowhere, pulled her hand from her eyes.

"What's wrong?" The cold voice sounded from overhead.

Han Qiqing froze and opened his eyes.

Suddenly smashed into a pair of dark eyes as deep as a pond.

Her heart trembled suddenly.

It seemed like something was flowing through her body, making her whole body soft.

Her eyes moved slightly, and she quickly returned to her heart. She was frightened, fearing what he could see in her eyes, and hurriedly covered it up.

"Uh, brother ... when are you back?"

Han Yuexiu didn't answer her, but just reached out and wiped the corners of her fingers with sharp bones.

Slightly wet.

He asked softly, "How did you cry?"

Han Qiqing struggled to get up, trying to make himself smile, "No, I just lay down and fell asleep."

Fortunately, the lights in the room were dim.

So, shouldn't he pay attention to her eyes?

Her eyes shouldn't betray her?

Han Yuexiu sat on her bed, facing her, her black eyes were fixed on her, and her voice was low, "The housekeeper told me what happened in the morning."

Han Qiqing froze and looked at him stunned.

Sure enough, the housekeeper told him.


What should she say?

Unprepared at all, she suddenly had to face him, causing her to panic.

She tried all she could to make her face look normal.

He said, "When I came back, I met Yizhen downstairs, and she told me, so I don't blame you."

Han Qiqing clenched his lips.

Sure enough, Li Yizhen sued first before the wicked.

She immediately felt wronged.

In particular, now that he knew his feelings for his brother, he couldn't even listen to the bad woman's words.

"Brother ... Do you believe me, or do you believe her? Really she took my things, really!" She choked slightly.

"You opened the box on the spot, didn't you? The cufflinks in it were hers, but the housekeeper could testify, and she took out a shopping ticket to prove it," he said in a tone of fact.

Han Qiqing's tears almost fell, and her voice was full of grievances. "You all believe her, then why do you ask me ..."

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